Brothers Campfire Reflections of 2021

Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Today is a day of benchmarking and reflecting on the year. I am not sure if the new year will allow it on the right date. (If there is a right date)

At the beginning of the year, I resolved to live for God, improve my skills and get a better job, create a garden club, lose 30 pounds and walk 50 miles in 24 hours.

I didn’t get all that done; here’s what really happened.

January- Got Covid

February- Lost 17 pounds. ( I lost a total of 30 this year and kept 20 off)

March- Got A New Job As A Volunteer Coordinator

April- Learned A Little About Empathy And Had My Gall Bladder Removed.

May- Began Learning About Pottery And Processing Raw Material For The Art

June- Celebrated Our 17th Anniversary By Wilderness Backpacking

July- We Patched Up A Duck That Took On A Dog

August- I Try My Hand At Forging

September- The Pottery Starts Looking Good

October-Was Spent In Reflection And Nothing Was Posted

Very Few Did. Thanks For Checking On Me Friends!

November-I wrote What I Love About My Beloved

December- I Advocated For My Beloved

Did I meet any of my goals? Not really, but I think I was a good steward of my time.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

16 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Reflections of 2021

  1. kagould17 says:

    A busy year indeed and one that was fraught with trials, for sure. Wishing you a fulfilling 2022 Benjamin. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      Haha! Thanks Allan! I appreciate you! We grow as we go! 🤠🔥

  2. Hobbo says:

    Blimey, what an eventful year you have had. I’m exhausted just reading it. Hope that 2022 brings you some pleasant surprises, Benjamin.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Hobbo! I still want to do the 50-mile hike in one day, but priorities have changed a lot!

  3. Omatra7 says:

    Wow quite the year for you and your family!!

    2022 hopefully will bring you many blessings – I have a feeling will be better year for all of us ??

    And life makes us learn lessons 🤨🙄 I do not like those lessons / but they do teach us things and maybe brighten the world eventually ? 🙏🙏

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hopefully, I learned enough lessons to carry me through for a while! 🤠🔥📖📖📖

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