Brothers Campfire Faith First Fully and Goals Glorifying God

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

I wanted to take the time to say thank you to all of my readers who traveled with me on my creative writing adventure in 2020. 

Brother’s Campfire has been a useful tool in my professional and personal growth in the use of written expression.

Many of you have encouraged me a good deal in my exploration of this newer skillset and I am forever in your debt and grateful that you have stayed around for a while.

While I do not know what 2021 holds for me or my website. I do have a few goals that I would like to share. 

Living For God

Prayer and reading God’s word is important, and developing my relationship with my creator is important to me. It is my goal to read the Bible through at least once. I would also like to keep a log of my prayer time as a discipline of accountability. I intend to have a high quality of meaningful prayer and a prayerful outlook throughout the day over a lot of repetition in speech. 

When I was a youth, I committed to having the first and last thing I read to be the Bible, and if one was not available, to recite scripture from memory. This consistency has assisted me in many ways. If you are interested in my way of life, HERE is a link to my beliefs.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me here

Now, to some of you reading, faith is folly. For those of you that do not find it so, please pray for a family member of mine. She has Covid and is not doing well. My faith is in Jesus and before any physical goals, I put first the spiritual. Jesus everything. 


Working in a state prison system has taught me a few things.

Supervising Institutional baking, cooking, and special diets are my specialties, and over time I have taken to teaching my skills to others.

By 2013, I had taught 25 Sergeants the ropes and was a trusted source with imparting this subject matter. 

I began instructing officially in 2014.

As an instructor, I teach defensive tactics and edged weapon defense from a curriculum called Human Factor Science.

I am also certified to teach cell extractions, the classroom portion of firearms, and First Aid from the American Health and Safety Institute. .

All in all, I have not done too bad in a 12-year career, but I feel a little stagnant. It is my goal to acquire some new skills this year. I am scheduled for 8 hours of welding classes with my son later this week and I believe it will be a stepping stone into broadening my horizons.

Urban Farm

I have been gardening and raising birds for at least a decade, and take great pride in growing sustainably in small areas. I have worked with botanist Larry Stebbins and have overseen a community garden in Old Colorado City.

I have loosely called my home operation Willow Manor and I am considering investing heavily in it this year. I plan to grow grapes, raspberries, strawberries, plums, peaches, and asparagus in addition to what I have at the moment. I may also consider implementing the concepts I have learned and form an organization or garden club of sorts. We will see how it goes. 

Physical Fitness

Since December 14th, I have lost 8 pounds through careful calorie counting on the Lose It application. Depending on how much muscle mass is below all this fat, I have a goal of losing 30 to 40 pounds this year. 

I am also considering walking 50 miles in 24 hours or at least attempting it. Why? Well, my shoes need breaking in of course. 

Well, friends, those are my goals and this post will serve as a benchmark to see how well I did.

I am curious to know if anyone else out there would like to share some of the goals they have set. 

Let me know in the comments!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

43 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Faith First Fully and Goals Glorifying God

  1. Lookoom says:

    Great but risky idea to have a benchmark made public, all my encouragements to succeed!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The worst that can happen is I don’t acheive all my goals. I don’t know what the year will bring, so they could be quite fantastic.

  2. dumbestblogger says:

    You are an inspiration, Mr. Swedish Chef. I also plan on reading through the Bible this year. It’s something I’ve been planning for a while.

    1. Benjamin says:

      The You Version Bible application has assisted me a lot on Android.

      1. dumbestblogger says:

        Cool! I also love welding. When I worked in the Theatre scene shop during college it was the first thing we taught all the girls.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I will be sure to teach all the girls as soon as I get introduced to welding. I am sure my Beloved will look amazing in a leather apron.

  3. Sarah Angleton says:

    My husband and son are interested in learning welding this year as well, though they haven’t gone as far as registering for a class yet. I have not been as clear with my goals for this year as you have, but the biggest professional one for me is to agent up. I’ve never gone this route because it always seems to involve an awful lot of rejection first and in the past I’ve given up. This time I’m sticking with it no matter how painful. The worst that happens is I end up with a better book and query package.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Welding seems to be a good skill to aquire for several well paying trades. We will see how it goes. I hope to hear of thier progress!

      Sarah Angleton, you are well written and articulate. While I have not looked to publish anything, I am painfully familiar with rejection.

      Do know that I am thankful for a Practical Historian at the Campfire and I will pull put All my stops in promoting your traditionally published work When it happens, not if.

      Have a beautiful year and stay in touch!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your prayers! She is out of the hospital, but not out of the woods yet.

  4. achme24gmailcom says:

    I would like to test of I can still walk as far as I have. I want to attempt the 35 miles. I look forward to the adventure of your 50 mile trek.

  5. leendadll says:

    I have 1 goal for 2021… maintain income.

    Good luck with your goals!!

      1. leendadll says:

        Lol… since my income’s been less than zero for 3yrs, I’ve already exceeded those years!! WINNING!!!

  6. Beverly says:

    Love the title and the goals! I will keep you in prayer, nephew, on all!

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome, nephew!!

  7. Soni Cool😎 says:

    Wohoooo great to know a bit more about you😃 proud of your jobs👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Soni. Have you gotten back to using your vocal chords?

      1. Soni Cool😎 says:

        No not yet Benjamin..stucked with office works and other stuffs… Yet to take out time 😐😐

  8. Loveblossom says: my new year resolution are here. As long as I don’t give up on it I’ll be very satisfied with myself. I need your blessings brother Ben ☺️🤠🔥♥️🌺

    1. Benjamin says:

      You are going to do great this year, Zahra! Let’s hope on over to your site!

      1. Loveblossom says:

        Thank you so much for your support. Because of you finally started to write. Or else I would have only daydreaming about writing a story. I really appreciate your support. ☺️☺️🤠🔥♥️🌺

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you for your kind words! Your story is coming along quite nicely and you have a growing and engaging audience! I am very proud of you. If you need anything let me know! Benjamin
          Brother’s Campfire

          1. Loveblossom says:

            It’s an honour brother Ben ☺️ I’ll definitely rely on you in the future. I won’t stop annoying and disturb you😁😁

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