Brothers Campfire New Year

What can I say? 2020 is gone and I must say it was something.

January 2020 brought me all of the Covid symptoms besides loss of taste, and I should have gone to the hospital as it was difficult to breath.

February brought a milestone 60th birthday for my dad. Fireworks accompanied this event. Little did I know that some of the guests would move on to other places and I would see them less.

Bittersweet and complicated.

12 days later, we sang my grandmother happy 90th birthday on her deathbed. She is with the Lord, but we miss her dearly.

Grandmother would have wanted us to live our lives, and upon fond farewell, we got to it.

March brought a 15 mile challenge with my Beloved. The trail needed a little work, but what journey does not?

The journey little known to us would involve the manufacture of face masks for ourselves and medical staff.

We stayed busy, and together. We even practiced blowing bubbles compliments of Lydia Potter, my newly adopted little sister, and tried our hands at a bout of knife fighting.

April 1st brought numerous pranks and absurd female grooming behavior.


It also brought us parking lot services during the lockdown.


April brought several hiking opportunities and an insanely tough ice bucket challenge.

May gave me gardening opportunities and these little ducky friends, to include my buddy, the bold male goose, Armando.

We also rehabilitated and released a Starling we called Horace. He grew very fast!

June brought the 40th anniversary of my parents,

An epic adventure to the Sand Dunes and beyond,

And preparation for future jobs in British Columbia, Canada or something.

July ushered in a train ride, a gold panning lesson,

Forklift certification,

And a failed attempt to walk 35 miles in one day. (I got 22)

August, well, we camped at 11,500 feet.

Oh, and I walked the whole 35 miles on my second attempt.

I can’t go about quitting.

September, well, my son became a 12 year veteran of life. I am fiercely proud of my son. (And a little protective)

He is everything and more I would want in a son. We have been working on a lot of top secret projects together.

In October, me and my son tried to build a land sail. Unfortunately for us, we never took flight, but had fun cutting twice and measuring once.

November brought the 16th birthday of my daughter. She was gifted a piano and she is quite gifted in it’s use.

In December, we spent the holiday season, with friends and family. I was grateful for them. We helped each other through a tough year.

Friends, I don’t know how Covid has influenced your life, but for me, it brought us close together. There were a lot of times this year where things looked and felt awful, but I think it may have helped me get my priorities in order.

To my family here at the Campfire, thank you for allowing me to reminisce a little, and more importantly for being there in 2020. I look forward to growing closer to you all and reading your amazing work in 2021!

Happy New Year!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

76 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire New Year

    1. Benjamin says:

      Perhaps the gift was a pain to us! No. I updated the post, and apparently it did not work.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Happy New Year to you as well. I always appreciate our conversation and look forward to many more. Have a beautiful 2021.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Cass Bassa, thank you for always being here and reading my content. Thank you for being part of the ongoing tale as well! I find you a fine addition to the Campfire! Benjamin

      1. Cassa Bassa says:

        Benjamin, I enjoy very much reading your blog in particular garden farmimg, eco system, Godly family life. You have brought joy to me. Thank you!

        1. Benjamin says:

          And you have been amazing as well! I fondly remember you singing at the Puking Peasant Inn! I listen to it from time to time. You have also opened the door for me on LinkedIn, and for this I am appreciative as well.

  1. Petra says:

    Happy new year! I’d say one of the few positives of Covid-19 for me has been that I had the time to explore my own country before tighter lockdowns and that I got to read more books. It’s hard to say it brought my family and I closer together since we could barely see each other. 🤷‍♀️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Petra, I am glad you found the opportunity to explore a little in your backyard and I am sorry that you were unable to see your family. I will say that I am very thankful for the fact that you have came along on my exploration of writing here at the Campfire. It means a lot to me and I feel comfortable in calling you a great friend.


      1. Petra says:

        Thank you. I definitely consider you a friend across the globe as well, hopefully we’ll get to meet in person someday. 😊

  2. Paquerite says:

    Hello Benjamin,
    There are so many negative things to say about this covid.
    As for our country, the government is taking the opportunity to pass many freedom-killing laws … it’s very worrying.
    For me personally and luckily, our work is not too impacted. But my father fell into a huge depression, and I’m very worried about the rest.
    Thank you for your article, yes you are right on a strictly family level my children loved the confinement, it brought us closer.
    We were good together and especially my daughters worked a lot, differently, and they made enormous progress … (they were good students, they became excellent, but I showed them that the methods of the school do not are not the right ones to progress, the proof is the results – without comment-)
    I wish you happy holidays of the end of the year.
    But above all a good, sweet, happy, creative and happy new year to you and all your family.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Corinne, I too worry about individual liberty. I find solace in knowing that Jesus is in control. I glad to hear that your daughters did so well this year and that you were able to provide them yourself as a resource. There is a break down in family structure in society that distresses me more than the sphere of influence I have no control of in governments.

      Thank you Corinne for your heartfelt response. It is much appreciated. May there be many more of these conversations in 2021!

      Have a beautiful year!

      1. Paquerite says:

        Thanks Benjamin,
        What is good is to talk to each other just like we do here, with the heart. Thank you for appreciating my sincerity.
        I wish you the best Benjamin, for you and all your loves, may God protect you, and peace be with you.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Happy New Year to you as well. May Florida State be a peaceful place for you and yours!

  3. -Eugenia says:

    Thank you for sharing your year with us! Seems you made the best of it – well done, my friend. Happy 2021!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Eugenia! Happy 2021 to you as well! May there be a little more sense to this year than last!

  4. Beverly says:

    Happy New Year, nephew and family! 🎇😁. I love this post! Well said on what this year did for you as an individual and for the family. I completely agree and I am looking forward to what God is going to do in 2021!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am fully confident in having revival in these trying times. A single mindedness towards God’s way is my vision for 2021.

      Family is beautiful. I am glad to have you as an Auntie!

      1. Beverly says:

        Amen! I am with you 100% on that vision.

        Agreed, family is beautiful. I am also glad to have you as a nephew!

      1. sunisanthosh says:

        2020 shuffled my basic plans but I enjoyed the energy nature brought and time spend together with my family. This year resolution is I need to balance my life.
        Wish you and your family love and light through out the year friend ✨

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hi Cheryl! Thank you! Do you have any big plans for the new year?

  5. Cindy Georgakas says:

    I always appreciate your positivity through the dark hour Ben.
    Happy New Year! Enjoyed your reflections!

      1. YouLittleCharmer says:

        As morbid as it sounds, just staying alive at this point my friend.
        Just staying alive 🖤🖤

  6. Gabriela says:

    It was not easy but we learned a lot!
    I spent more time with my parentsthan never before and that was a gift to me.
    Every moment, no matter how difficult is, always brings something to be thankful too.
    Happy 2021, I hope it brings more special moments, happiness and health for all of us 💋🌺❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is good to spend time with family and always good to be thankful! Happy 2021 to you, Gabriela!

  7. Soni Cool😎 says:

    I agree Benjamin… Covid really brought family together and indeed a great time to spend with own people and feel the love, care and happiness all around… ❤️❤️

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