Andy Ward Inspired Pottery and a Little Visitor

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

On Friday, I left work early to babysit a two year old. As an adult, I cannot remember really ever doing so. It seems like something teenagers do.

We had a blast. I took the little guy on a wheelbarrow ride, we filled the duck pond with a hose, played with chalk, ran around the yard and fed the ducks.

Strangely, after such a wonderful opportunity, I was paid a pretty hefty sum.

Time has flown over here at Willow Manor and school has started. Next week I will be volunteering in physical education instruction. I find this a little amusing. For my age, I am in good shape, but I have never been good at any sport.

The desired result is effective teamwork and participation. We will pray God helps me exemplify and assist in imparting these qualities.

It is time to harvest as well. We had a decent year with zucchini, kale, chard, tomatoes, raspberries and an assortment of herbs.

Along the way, I took some pictures of our friendly pollinators,

And their not so friendly cousins. I had no idea hot dogs could be pollinated.

Saturday was a long morning of tending a fire. I wish I knew about this a decade or two ago and I would have ran with it.

The firing was successful and we roasted hotdogs in celebration.

My Beloved is the real artist. I merely pull things together. Isn’t this piece delightfully painted?

Well, I am off to new adventures.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

62 thoughts on “Andy Ward Inspired Pottery and a Little Visitor

  1. kagould17 says:

    Looks like a busy time Benjamin. Congrats on the harvest and the hot dog pollinators. Soon, you will have a hot dog tree. Have a great time in phys ed and enjoy the coming week. Allan

  2. salsaworldtraveler says:

    I saw the Tom Hanks movie Castaway recently. The pottery with the hand print reminded me of Wilson the volleyball. Be well and good luck with the phys ed classes.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks Salsaworldtraveler! If you see Wison the Volleyball 🏐 tell him I said hello!

  3. eob2 says:

    Indeed a yummy harvest. Seems the pottery is improving with each try. You seem to busy as busy as the bees. Good luck with the PE instruction. Have a great week.

  4. leendadll says:

    Wow… the bowl making techniques seem dramatically improved. Did you start using something as a mold?

  5. Herb says:

    Very cool. We recently had an almost two and he has two gears, sleeping or full out running a hundred miles an hour. The pottery is getting more and more impressive.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! It was the same with this little guy. He showed me the importance of making my duck pond shallow. I had to watch him non-stop! Thanks for the pottery compliment. It is a great way to pass time when hanging out with friends.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Teveen Gill! How are things over there?

      1. Terveen Gill says:

        All’s well, Benjamin. Passing the days with reading and writing. Not bad. 🙂

          1. donmatthewspoetry says:

            Damn! I know…. Life’s tough for some of us…..some writers can just swan around all day….

  6. Petra says:

    That’s amazing, both the harvest and the pottery! I’m not very good at pottery, so it’s doubly amazing to me

    1. Benjamin says:

      Haha! Thanks! It seems a little tumultuous at times!🤠🔥

  7. -Eugi ☕️ says:

    Sounds like you had fun with the 2 year old! Your pottery techniques are coming along quite nicely.

    1. Benjamin says:

      All is well Friend. I needed to reevaluate a fee things in my life.

  8. Cindy Georgakas says:

    beautiful pics and crops Ben! been thinking of you and checked in.. It’s been forever.. hope you are ok. please let us know. 💖💖💖

    1. Benjamin says:

      All is well. Thank you for stopping by. I had to take an unexpected break.

      1. Cindy Georgakas says:

        Good to hear Ben. Talked to your Dad too. It’s a lot to keep up with I know. Stay blessed and happy. New job must be alot. 💖

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I always appreciate talking with you in the comments!

  9. Michele Lee says:

    Congrats on your bountiful harvest! We just planted some fall plants. Summer destroys everything here. Great post!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks you Michele Lee. It is still temperate here. I might have gotten away with another month of sprinklers.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks! I am working on my skills. I just went to Hobby Lobby and saw one pound of clay for 10 dollars. I am glad I process my own!

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