Thoughts on The Complexity of Thought

Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

I thought complexity of thought was my bread and butter. I suppose that isn’t true after visiting

After reading a few of her posts, she has a decent handle on the inner workings of the mind. Here is a sample with a link.

Tonight I had a conversation with my mom. It was a painful talk. And while I know it should be a big deal as it was a conversation I’ve been trying to have for almost 15 years I’m struggling to take it seriously. Part of what my mother is guilty of is gaslighting. In many […]

Under Giant Trees

In her first paragraph, she speaks of a painful conversation and a struggle to take it seriously. She states what is to be addressed and goes about it in such a way as to hold your complete attention the entire way.

Her thoughts come across as genuine and her words are precision as Petra, the Erratic Engineeress’ drafts.

Now let me tell you about Petra.

I was writing a about a fictional young man named Ashton, who did not have an excellent grasp on life. A man of low standing who later became a doctor of sorts had a run in with some toxic relationships and learned how to navigate tough times and tougher men. The road wasn’t easy and the ending was depressing.

Ashton ran with a friend named Zahra who told him,

“every girl of the longboats dreams for the grace of a dolphin, the sleekness of a ray, and the voice of a siren. To have her likeness carved on the bow of a ship and be sung about by every oarsman is her heart’s desire. Perhaps you do not have the courage to be her husband.”

Zahra was describing a mermaid. (On a side note, I should have named her Jenny Haniver.)

My intention in the story was for Doctor Ashton to meet a young lady who was crippled and he would provide her a mechanism to swim with that were very much like flippers.

Shop Mermaid Tails

Would you know, that the Erratic Engineeress provided me the science of how it would work and be designed? Patent it, Petra.

Circling back, my bread and butter at the moment is not complexity of thought, but rather keeping focus and direction.

The thoughts are simple. The first is stepping into the realm of faith. I trust God and try to make Him as much of my purpose for living as possible. I pay tithes off the top of what I earn and then I forget about it. Faithfulness to church is paramount.

My family is next and everything falls into place. It doesn’t matter if we live in a cardboard box if I have God and family.

Churches are composed of families and without the institution of marriage, there would be no framework for a church. This is my third priority.

I know if I have these simple things in place, employers will appreciate it. It may not be your priorities, but mine are faith based and I have been blessed for it.

During these tough times, I have gone back to these basics. There are a lot of voices pulling in all kinds of directions. Complex thoughts abound, but they are on the back burner.

Perhaps one day, I can go back to writing fiction. I see a lot of holes in my stories and I want to try again to get better. My story about Ashton was long winded and incomplete.

For now, I will be working with my Beloved on occupational, physical, speech, and recreational therapy.

I had no idea it would be me working with my Beloved to have the grace of a dolphin, the sleekness of a ray, and the voice of a siren, carving her image into my Longship.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

7 thoughts on “Thoughts on The Complexity of Thought

  1. kagould17 says:

    You have important work to do Benjamin. All the best to you and your beloved. Allan

  2. L. says:

    Thank you! Great thoughts! I’m still keeping you and your beloved in prayer.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Absolutely! I hope I get things right every once in a while. Are you talking about Keen to Cross the Pond?

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