Living the Fast Life at Brothers Campfire

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

It was great to have Steve from Steve’s Country tell us a tale about of of his collections!

Steve is always welcome to tell nifty tales as we quaff our favorite hot beverage warming by the Campfire..

You should check out his site by clicking this nifty button I discovered how to use.

Now for what is going on over here.

We have been busy over here at Willow Manor, home of the world-renowned Brother’s Campfire.

The ducks and geese are on order, and should be here in April.

I have plans to build a new duck house as mine is 6 years old, rotting, and on its last legs.

I am torn between building permanent and portable housing for them. Portable is where I am trending to alleviate wear and tear in one section of the yard. The plus side of a more permanent structure is that I don’t have to move it! 🥴 Maybe I will ask Justin, the man’s man for advice.

I am thinking of what I should do for gardening this year. I may let it go for 2022. I have my Beloved to think of. She did walk a quarter-mile in 37 minutes today!

She is a regular speed demon now. Her first try took nearly an hour. This walk was mostly unassisted!

I guess I am a speed demon as well. I got pulled over for not completely stopping at a stop sign. All is well that ends well. I owned it and after briefly counseling me, he sent me on my way.

Thanks Deputy Hank Crist. I could not have afforded the cost of a 4 point ticket.

Well, that is all I have for now. Until next time!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

18 thoughts on “Living the Fast Life at Brothers Campfire

  1. Herb says:

    I think it will be interesting to learn the dynamics and politics of your new brood. I think portable sounds good but if you have a guy like Justin at your disposal you should definitely see if he has an opinion.

  2. cheriewhite says:

    Wow, Ben! Your Beloved is hitting the ground running! Tell her that we’re proud of her and that she’ll be running marathons in no time! 😃 And it’s great that you had a great convo with the police officer. Best wishes on building your duckhouse! 🤗

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you x3! She will have to slow 🐌 down a bit. She is having a lot of pain.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you. She doesn’t need that in her life.

          Have you given thought to posting?

          1. cheriewhite says:

            I have, Ben. I’m brainstorming a few topics. 😊 I keep thinking of telling the story about the time my family and I camped out at Pickwick Dam. One of my best memories!

          2. cheriewhite says:

            Perfect! I’ll definitely work on it when I get done with the intro. 😊

  3. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Nice photo 🌷👌♥️your wife’s walking place so awesome nature and she has so much better now 👏
    So much blessings to her 🌷🙏I’m glad because your tension so much gone and sure will get peace
    Of mind 🌷🙏😊 Blessed Friday 👏✨

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