Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire!
My Body By Bologna Workout is not going as expected.
Perhaps I will reach out to https://uniquelyfitblog.com/ and talk to Cindy about a more viable option!
Today, I have a story to tell. Grab a mug of coffee or chia or chocolate and settle in!
Google Translate may have its place in this read by the way.

“Father!” Yara’s eyes were filled with excitement. “This man has proposed to be my husband!”
Egil Halvard was not the least bit excited. He stared hard at his daughter.

“Yara, þú ert trúlofuð Hallr Ragnari. Þú gerðir þetta á verði manns, Yara. Vissulega verða réttarhöld yfir bardögum og hann deyr.”
Yara turned and smiled at Ashton.

“Father says you will be a fine addition to the clan. He says you have the makings of a great warrior.”
Ashton was not altogether too sure about this and when Egil Halvard promptly turned away in a huff, Yara became subdued. Quietly, she looked away. “I have to go.”
Ashton was confused. ” Yara, it does not look like your father is too excited about me being around. I don’t know what you were thinking, but I can’t afford trouble.”
He was irritated and embarrassed. Whatever her father said was not positive in nature and night was soon approaching. It was time to head back.

Yara was angry. “You don’t understand anything, Ashton, that is your problem.”
Ashton, taken aback, responded defensively. “Yara, I like you and I would not hesitate to marry you if I could, but you have said or done nothing that makes any sense today. Your father might have killed me.”

Yara did not respond and Ashton left in a hurry.
Morning began with his mother on a regular sleep schedule for a change. A brunch of bread, mushrooms and boiled arugula brought a pleasant aroma into the house stocked with all manner of unpleasant concoctions for his mother’s work.

He did not wish to recount proposing to Yara after drinking more than his fair share of porridge ale. He hoped it would not come up.

“Ashton, I have been thinking about your future. Our crops have failed and perhaps you can apprentice yourself and learn a trade.”

“Mother, I would love to, but you know as well as me that it is hard to find work. I have been diligent to find work and learn what I can from everyone I meet. Now if father were here…”
Ashton’s mother had a far away look. “Yes, he went off to war and never returned. I loved that man very much.”
“Mom, you have told me many stories about father. I have never met him. The whole village knows I am the son of scandal and no war hero.”

His mother was thoughtful. “Yes, but none of my own. I suppose you are of age to know what you should have all along. You see, your father was a…”
Just then there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it, Ashton’s mother replied. It was Jasmine and Zahra, friends of Yara. Ashton shrank inside. Here it was.
As they stepped in, absorbing the surroundings, their reaction was both of fascination and disgust. Ashton busied himself straightening the house a bit.
Ashton’s mother was hospitable and greeted the two effortlessly. Small talk and pleasantries were exchanged until mother cut to the chase.
“Are you two here to see my son? Ashton, come and sit down at once.”
Zahra and Jasmine exchanged glances. Zahra broke the silence. “Um.. About last night. Yara wanted to say she is sorry and did a bad thing.”
Ashton was wary and uncomfortable with his mother listening. She glared at him with seemingly all knowing eyes.
Jasmine interrupted. ” I will just tell you. Yara enticed you to propose so she wouldn’t have to marry Hallr Agnar. Now, he has to forfeit her or challenge you to einvigi.”

Ashton was shocked.
“Einvigi? You mean a fight to the death? I told her I could not support her in my wildest dreams. I forfeit.”
Zahra chimed in. “Ashton, she is head over heels for you and does not wish to marry Hallr. If you do nothing, He will have his way. This is a political marriage, not one of consent. You must duel him.”
Ashton was resolved. ” I have nothing to do with this, I am just trying to survive the winter. I think the world of the girl, it’s just that…”
Ignoring Ashton completely, Zahra, Jasmine and his mother began discussing the finer points of weddings and how to assess who would donate what at a house warming party.

His mother prepared nettle tea and it was Zahra who posed the most bizzare of questions.

She wanted to know if Ashton could transform Yara into a mermaid. Embarrassed and a little upset, she hastily denied such thought as appropriate or sane.
Everyone thought his mother was a witch and she did not wish for Ashton’s sake to perpetuate the rumors.

Mother put a close to the conversation. She had a few errands to run and the daylight would not last forever.
Recruiting Ashton to escort the ladies safely to their homes, mother was on the road, gathering basket in hand.

Ashton was beside himself with fear. “Mother! He cried after her, “I cannot duel this man, and you carrying on about weddings of all things.”
His mother was merciless. “Rubbish. Your father would have done it.”
Puzzled, he went on an awkward walk home with the two girls. All he knew of his father was that he went off to war and did not return. He supposed that soldiers were of strong and fearless stock, but while a hard worker, he was of a calmer persuasion and a little sensitive.
It was Jasmine who broke the silence. “Ashton, Yara told Hallr Agnar that you can transform her into a mermaid and she believes it..”
Ashton was not having any more of this and said as much. Was everyone around him crazy?
Zahra chimed in. “Oh Ashton, we aren’t speaking in a way you understand. Your feet never leave the land. Let me put it this way and perhaps you will understand. What does every girl dream of being? “
Ashton was thoughtful. ” a princess I suppose.”

Zahra was sharp of tongue. “every girl of the longboats dreams for the grace of a dolphin, the sleekness of a ray, and the voice of a siren. To have her likeness carved on the bow of a ship and be sung about by every oarsman is her heart’s desire. Perhaps you do not have the courage to be her husband.”

Yeah, maybe he really doesn’t have the courage.
He is quite sensible and sensitive.
Indeed. I understand quite well.
Perhaps if you would carve your wife’s visage on your longboat, you could resolve a few issues.
I shall give that idea all the consideration it deserves.
Absolutely All the deserved consideration. I will be using this quote at work moving forward.
It’s a tidbit of wisdom my Dad taught me once upon a time.
Smart guy.
True story.
There is no easy life with you – that makes for great stories.
Ha ha! I like to work hard. I probably should learn to relax a little. 😆
I am liking this story. It’s quite different from the earlier one because it is focusing on the people in the story and the characters are, for the most part, likeable, so far.
Thank you.
Oh, you wanted to be a mermaid and not a princesss too. I get it. Every girl’s dream. You being from the west coast and all…..
Ey this is great! 😁 Really fun!
Glad to hear it!
A very good story. And very good dialogues. 👌👌
I think Ashton really doesn’t have the courage or maybe he is stuck in a confusion.😵🤯.
Plus brother Ben you do know me very well. I am same as you mentioned in the story. Good and straight with my words. I really liked it. Thank you so much for giving me a place in this wonderful story.🙇♀️🙇♀️
Thank you Zahra! You are straightforward with your words. Thank you for the artwork. I know the effort it takes to make something from scratch! 🤠🔥
What a great story Benjamin. love the charaters and maybe we need to give Ashton some workout lessons himself to give him strength and courage. Love the mermid and the long boat. 🤣❤️🙏 Cindy
Ha ha! Thanks Cindy!
I take a short blogging break and you’re back to writing stories! Yaaay
We will see how it goes. COVID and the long days at work really bogged me down.
I feel you so much. These days I’m super exhausted when I get back from work.
🤠🔥 you got this!
You held my interest with this story in your plot lines and the way you propel the story along. Especially like every fisher girl would prefer to be a mermaid, sleek and graceful like a dolphin, instead of a princess. I know it’s not manly to say, but I am on Ashton’s side where it concerns a duel over a girl. Why should he get involved there was no insult offered to Yara. Know your own strengths and damn politics.
Thanks for the feedback and engaging with the characters. You have given me a lot to think about as I continue writing! Have a beautiful day!
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A wonderful story! I am amazed that you can write such a long story without flaws. Well done Benjamin. 😍
Why thank you Offshore writer! I have been working hard to put out quality work. 🤠🔥
Bonjour mon ami amie
Par ce message positif et amical je te souhaite une bonne semaine mon ami.amie .Quoi que tu vives, quoi que tu fasses, dans chaque moment il se cache une raison d’être heureux …
Affectueusement et sincèrement
Ton ami qui pense à toi
Bisou d’amitié sincère …
Merci beaucoup.
Friend, thank you for your kind words. I hope your week is beautiful!🔥🤠
I enjoyed reading this story, Benjamin. When I was a young girl, I loved to draw, especially mermaids!
All the best <3 Cheryl
Cheryl, this was a unique challenge for me to write! I grew up playing army, and it was a stretch in creativity! Thank you for sharing! 🤠🔥
Enjoyed your version of the story.
Thanks! It continues!
This was a very relatable tale. Understanding will be difficult if we only listen but do not hear what others are saying.
I look forward to the continuation of this story in the future! 😊
Thank you Hamish! Very thoughtful.🤠🔥
Excellent storytelling, my friend. Thank you for following my blog.
Absolutely! Sorry for the late response! I found you at R. World🤠🔥