Brothers Campfire The Novel Last Page-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 200 The End?

Hello Friends!

It is a beautiful day here at Brother’s Campfire. I just finished watering the ducks and have sat down with a favorite coffee cup to write a post. Coffee is a wonderful drink!

As I respect straightforward, I will get to the point.

Writing about the Land of La Longi has been an incredible journey that is coming to a close. I plan to continue blogging and telling stories about day to day happenings, but my current storyline is on pause at best.

The decision leaves me choked up inside, but I think it is a good thing to do for the time being.

While I speak in broad strokes about my patriotism for my country, The United States Of America, I have taken steps not to make too many political statements as I think the Campfire should be a place where others feel safe and comfortable.

I believe The Brother’s Campfire Platform should be tasteful and measured.

That being said, I am not afraid to make political statements. Freedom of expression is my right as a citizen of my country.

Here’s the long and short of it. Recently, I wrote The House Of Prayer for my tale.

Featuring Violet and Wayne

In the story, Watchman Wayne’s job was disbanded and minions took over La Longi under the guidance of the Alchemist.

The Alchemist
A Minion

The story was written prior to recent occurrences that are in the US news at the moment. While my tale has a lot of similarities with everyday life, I have put a lot of effort into my ongoing tale and I am not going to allow it to be hijacked or misconstrued in a very charged political climate.

I hope that you, my readers can see where I am coming from in my decision as I ensure balance in my writing.

Epilogue …. Lydia wanted to go and see the world. Nothing would have stopped her anyway.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

51 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The Novel Last Page-An Ongoing Tale Chapter 200 The End?

    1. Ishaan Sharma says:

      It would be great if you continued with the tale. But of course, it’s your blog and your choice.

      1. Benjamin says:

        Ishaan, thank you. A tall, rail thin man with whiplike reflexes sips on a mug of warm milk reminiscing his days with Chandra.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I understand that.
            But I am curious about your statement about the ongoing situation in the US. What’s going on?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You T. Maxwell! I appreciate your continued support and encouragement!

  1. Herb says:

    Straightforward is usually best. I think a lot of us will continue to follow this blog.

  2. Sheila D.Currie Blake says:

    got you! Always follow your heart and the leading of the Holy Spirit you cant go wrong with that. God bless you on your new journey in Christ Jesus.

  3. rue202 says:

    I’m very disappointed, but I understand why.
    Hope you resume telling stories again at some point!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Rue202! I appreciate the time you took to read the story!

      1. rue202 says:

        You are an awesome writer!
        You’re welcome! It was very well done and a pleasure to read.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Cassa Bassa! I enjoyed your music! You should make more!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am still writing. I am not writing this storyline at this time.

  4. Beverly says:

    The ducks are so big! Yes, coffee is a wonderful drink! I am just catching up on my reading so a belated, “So happy for your return to writing!” Your blog is a blessing, nephew.

  5. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Your story was a wonderful one sir! It brought people from all over the globe here to hear your daily tales! Thank you for writing such a wonderful work over here so people can enjoy it for free!

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        Thank you for saying so!
        And Happy International Yoga day! Do you do yoga in america?

          1. Benjamin says:

            Well, I suppose I have done the elephant pose once, but other than that, I just work out on occasion.

          2. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Elephant pose?! Haha! 🤣.
            It’s a joke in India how the westerners have named Yoga after animals. They have different names here.

            I am certain you also do Bhakti yoga. It means Yoga of devotion. I.e. praying to God with full faith and devotion. And perhaps reading the bible could be called Gyan yoga for christians(Meaning yoga of knowledge about the supreme). Yoga’s of many types. The one with asanas(poses) and stuff is Rāj Yoga.

  6. Petra says:

    Oh no, I enjoyed reading along and being a small part of it! But it is understandable and I hope your country gets back to normal soon.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Petra, you will always be part of the ongoing story. I appreciate you traveling with me on the blogging journey!

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