Brothers Campfire Shout Out To First Responders

Hello Friends!

I was on my way home last night and saw a fire in the distance on the road.

As I approached, a fire truck and state patrol vehicles were responding to a truck fire.

My windows are dirty from travel.

A firefighter quickly put out the fire as I waited at the light.

I was unable to find a link about this particular fire. I wonder how many newsworthy heroic acts our first responders engage in and are not recognized for.

Excellent job, Colorado State Patrol, Fountain Police Department, and Security Fire Department!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

34 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Shout Out To First Responders

  1. Nabeela says:

    Hats off to all workers who do their job properly and on time….

    1. Benjamin says:

      They where where they needed to be at just the right time! My hat is off to them as well!

  2. herbthiel says:

    Amen. I agree, these guys do stuff every day that never makes the news but probably should.

          1. Benjamin says:

            Ha ha! It is trying to decide if it will snow or not down here in Colorful Colorado. Or in Canadian, Colourful Colourado!🤠🔥🐺🎶

          2. lindacrampton7495 says:

            Yes, it would be colourful, but it would still be Colorado! I don’t think I’ve ever experienced snow at Easter,

          3. Benjamin says:

            We have had snow in late June here, but it quickly melted!!!

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        I bet they are.
        I have surprisingly never seen a fire fighter in my life. There have been fires in surrounding areas, but I always find out some days later that they occured.

  3. America On Coffee says:

    There are so many spiritual fires that need first responders. The world is becoming a blaze. An encouraging post!

    1. Benjamin says:

      The world needs the light of Jesus! I am glad you enjoyed the post!

      1. America On Coffee says:

        Indeed! I did thoroughly enjoy, however I am saying the light of Jesus in the gospel put out the dark sinful fires that are bunting in the world today! I know that the more the gospel is spread the more hearts will open up to Christ.❤️❤️❤️

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