Brothers Campfire General Gallio -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 179

Hello Friends!

Today began with an epic breakfast to include bacon!

Yummy Bacon!

Today is a busy one for me. Watering the garden, feeding the animals and a 10 hour shift is going to leave me a little tired! I will say I am thankful I have a job.

While I have you here, I would like to extend another invitation to our Easter Service, April 12th, 2020 Mountain Standard Time Easter Service Link. It would mean a lot to me to know you attended on this special occasion.

It has been a few days since I have spun a tale about the Land of La Longi due to a real life story unfolding during these tough times. I made some coffee and built a fire. There is also tea in various flavors for your enjoyment.

Gather Round While I Spin A Tale Of The Land Of La Longi!
Artist’s Depiction Of Beast, Brother and Bard

General Gallio Cordius Ferentinus was a cunning man, having risen through the political and military ranks of Carsiolia, he had consolidated his power and influence in the capitol and was favored in many circles. His last influential rival, General Nicholas Peralta had been sold into slavery.

Nicholas Peralta

Upon conquering La Longi, he would be immortalized amongst the Carsiolians. 

His experience with the peoples of La Longi demonstrated his need to establish a food source through diplomatic means over force. 

A standing army could be a great strain on an area and the General had a plan. He needed protein for his men. While the wheat stores were in ample supply, He did not plan to run cattle through the standing winter wheat. It would devastate the supply. 

He had subjugated rural farming landscapes in the past by grazing cattle through standing wheat fields, but this was to be a long term campaign and he needed the buy in and support of the people. 

General Gallio opted to source dried fish from Khofi Springs to feed his troops and supplement the grain.

Dried Fish

It was light and easy to transport. At this point, he had created a flourishing economy in the region with his cash flow. It could be transported by boat or overland.

It was an excellent position of power.

Resentment toward the late Lord Rainport was clearly evident. The Rainports had mismanaged them causing dissent,leaving the area ripe for auxiliary recruitment. 

The culture of La Longi respected individual strength and heroism. He would exploit this weakness with formation and troop discipline.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

195 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire General Gallio -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 179

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    Great tale.

    Be very thankful you have a job. I completely lost mine and I don’t apply for unemployment. Even though my job wasn’t enjoyable, I wish now, more than ever I had my job back.

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            Actually no. 🙁 My plan was done and the next one starts tomorrow, so yeah

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            I feel so stupid. I thought the 10th was tomorrow. So this whole time, I’m the only one that didn’t complete the plan on time. I just did, but wow! I blew it!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Lydia, today is the first day to start reading the New Testament Bible Plan!

          4. Lydia Potter says:

            I did! Thanks for the reminder though.
            My comment most likely went to spam again on your last post.

          5. Benjamin says:

            I will look in a little bit you snotty nosed spamming little sister!

          6. Benjamin says:

            Is that the lure you use to fish for compliments? Don’t call yourself trash

          7. Lydia Potter says:

            No! Not at all. It’s the way I’ve viewed myself for years and again NO!!!! I am so anti begging for pity and attention.

          8. Benjamin says:

            Well, you have gotten bubble gum out of your thick skull before. It just takes a little work!

          9. Benjamin says:

            Happy Easter, Little Sister. God has great plans for you!🤠🔥🐺🎶

          10. Benjamin says:

            🤠🔥🐺🎶 You are always welcome at the Campfire, Friend!

          11. Lydia Potter says:

            That was the longest service, but yet the most awesome service I’ve ever heard!

          12. Benjamin says:

            I will listen if you wish to tell me about it. However, I trust your words, little sister.

          13. Lydia Potter says:

            So, there was a bunch of songs and singing. This the guy PREACHED!!!!!!!!! I followed along in the Bible, and he read John 19:40-20:16.
            I would have to say the overall message was about hope and Mary.
            If I had to name the closing song, it would be “Jesus, You Change Everything” or “Show Us Your Glory”

          14. Benjamin says:

            Very nice overview! I am so happy that you took the time to do this! The preacher is my pastor. The pastor’s wife did most of the singing. They are both from the south.

          15. Lydia Potter says:

            Cool. I thought I heard an accent. I really like it. Is it at 10:00 am your time every Sunday?

          16. Benjamin says:

            Yes, it is. There are other stream times as well. I cannot tell you how proud I am of you for attending today!

          17. Lydia Potter says:

            I might just make it a weekly habit of mine. Down in the south, your service starts right when I get home from mine during lunch, so it totally works out!

          18. Benjamin says:

            I really admire you attending service with me.🤠🔥🐺🎶 . I was wondering, do you mind if I have a character named Lady Lydia?

          19. Benjamin says:

            Cool! She may be in trouble over in Khofi Springs soon. Just a heads up.

          20. Benjamin says:

            Well yeah! There has to be drama in an ongoing story! Do you want me to pick a face for her?

          21. Benjamin says:

            You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But, you cannot pick your friend’s nose! Or your sisters!

          22. Lydia Potter says:

            Yeah cuz you said something similar to that. Instead of “pick” you may choose a picture of your choice, or I can send you scary pictures of me and you can edit them to look even worse.

          23. Benjamin says:

            Hmmm. It might not be in good taste to have you send me pictures. I will think about a good alternative.

  2. Debby Winter says:

    It’s good to hear you are well in these uncertain times. Your breakfast looks delicious, I love extra crisp bacon!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I am! Back to work and going strong. How are things faring on the other side of the globe?

          1. pooja rani says:

            That’s good! All the side are same condition and tried to stay home, fade from corona

          2. Benjamin says:

            I have a question. If I visited your country, what would you recommend I see first?

          3. Benjamin says:

            I most assuredly would bring my wife on a trip to the other side of the world!

          4. Benjamin says:

            Way cool! Do you have plans to go to college after school? Is that even a thing?

          5. pooja rani says:

            u know i like chess but not good in cricket . i am bcom student and i thought i will start this way of work i am not talking much 🤔

          6. Benjamin says:

            Oh wow! That is impressive! You are going places little sister!

          7. pooja rani says:

            🙂 by the way u don’t know bcom in your country bcom haven’t there

          8. Benjamin says:

            I believe you can get a bachelor degree in commerce or economics

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        You are welcome!
        How are u doing.
        Just wanted to point out: the apostrophe in your site title seems misplaced. 😉

        1. Benjamin says:

          Oh, an English expert! Thank you! I w’ill check it out! I am well. Heading to work.

          1. dumbestblogger says:

            The apostrophe placement is plural possessive, so the campfire should belong to brothers. Maybe Mr. Storyteller is waiting to introduce us to some characters we haven’t met yet?

          2. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Now that we are talking here, I would like to bring to your notice that ur site spams my comments.

          3. dumbestblogger says:

            Went through the spam folder and approved your comments, and comments from Brothers’ plural. It seems like you guys were the only ones in there, not sure why that was. I’ll look into it a little bit more, but if you ever have any problems in the future feel free to let me know. Thanks again for mentioning it.

          4. Benjamin says:

            Thank you!
            The Bard
            The Beast
            The Brother

          5. Benjamin says:

            Tell me about it! One day I may write an ongoing story that includes these three characters.

          6. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Also, WordPress is the only “community site” I am on. I find social media a waste of time.

          7. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I won’t be awake then.

            So are all churches throughout the world doing this kind of live streaming? Or is it just yours?

          8. Benjamin says:

            They are currently closed. After this lifts, they will be open.

          9. Ishaan Sharma says:

            That’s what I was asking. Why did you say yes before? I do know people can go to churches otherwise 😀

          10. Benjamin says:

            You asked of churches are open to the public in the U.S. That would lead me to think there are religious buildings in your country that are not open to the public.

          11. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I meant as of now 🙂

            As far as I know, there is no religious place of any faith in India which restricts entrance.

            I have been to churches before.

          12. Ishaan Sharma says:

            But strangely, the Church was fully empty. Do you have a priest or someone to care for the church?

          13. Benjamin says:

            We are like family. Many of us have a job to do at the church. My dad, my wife and I run an overhead projector, I am an usher, and my dad teaches Sunday School. One of the children I know vacuums. Our church is always doing something throughout the week. We do have a pastor and he stays Constantly busy.

          14. Ishaan Sharma says:

            That is interesting. So your family manages the church?

            I was just curious, aren’t Christians enraged at the depiction of the faith in the horror movies? Strange scenes like a ghost turns around Crosses on the walls and enters rooms, or sometimes even burns crosses. But I realise it makes it interesting. It would be strange to have a ghost die in the first ten seconds of the movie 😦

          15. Benjamin says:

            We are invested in the church. There are many who are committed to it’s success. We are a tiny part. Movies are irrelevant to reality. We love Jesus and others want the experience we have.

          16. Ishaan Sharma says:

            That’s nice.

            I agree, movies are irrelevant, but even though I am not a christian I find it quite strange. Some movies even have ghosts in churches. 🤔

            But I realise that it doesn’t matter to the believers. The non-believers can do whatever they want.

          17. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I would say the spirit of God is everywhere. But of course, we have our own beliefs.

            Anyway, happy easter and good morning!

          18. Benjamin says:

            Thank you for the Easter greeting. I agree the Spirit of God is everywhere. When God’s people assemble themselves together in prayer, He descends in a powerful way you can feel in a spectacular way. We call it a move of the Holy Ghost.

          19. Benjamin says:

            If you are awake, you can experience the power of God over a broadcast.

          20. Ishaan Sharma says:

            We don’t need temples churches etc. To feel god. They are just places to gather and worship. God is within, and can be found everywhere in the world.

          21. Benjamin says:

            You are free to believe as you see fit. I can only draw from the Word of God and personal experience, Friend.😊

          22. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I agree. We are all free to believe as we wish.

            I am in no way questioning importance of shrines.
            Collective prayer is very powerful.

          23. Ishaan Sharma says:

            In the movies it is more like a ghost takes over a church. Then some priestly people utter some chants, and the ghost leaves.

          24. Benjamin says:

            We have the Spirit of God, the Holy Ghost. He dwells among his people. Spirits have no power in His presence.

          25. Benjamin says:

            There is a spiritual world. We are spiritual people. There are the ministering spirits of God and there is the devil and his angels. I do believe in the spiritual, but only adhere to God’s Spirit.

          26. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Oh yes, the devil is indeed very sly. He is weak. But he turns men against themselves.

            He is named Satan I believe.
            Hindus call him kali.

          27. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I was just curious about the email I got from Mr. Herb, and clicked on it. It was an accident that I joined the plan. I am not really going along with it.
            I just read it when I have some free time.

  3. herbthiel says:

    Interesting revelations. We will be waiting to see what General Gallio will do.

  4. dumbestblogger says:

    Sounds like a smart guy. Maybe La Longi should just surrender, as the strain on their economy due to conducting a prolonged war would be significant. Honestly, this guy might be a better leader than what they currently have anyway.

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