Brothers Campfire Corona Humor

Hello Friends!

Welcome to the Campfire!

I tried something new last night with a guest blogger, My Beloved. Here at Willow Manor and Brother’s Campfire, we are passionate about doing our part in helping the community in making as many face masks as we can.

I was alarmed today, flushed and upset. Some of our hard work went down the drain. I wiped my brow from the stress of it all. I regret to inform you that a roll of toilet paper fell in the toilet.

Moisture swelled in the cellulose softness rendering it unusable.

Sorry Lady Liberty


I have deliberately opened the can in lou of completing this post. Do you have any humerous happenings that you would like to share during these tough times?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

73 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Corona Humor

        1. Benjamin says:

          There is a shortage of toilet paper at our local stores because everyone is panicked and purchasing it all. We accidentally lost a roll by letting it fall in the toilet. The words I use in the post mean other things as well.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            The end was missing. It is now there. Though I don’t understand what the ‘other things’ would be.

            I wonder why there is toilet paper shortage in the world. There are more important products that need hoarding.

          2. Ishaan Sharma says:

            What d’you do on Good Friday? And why is it called Good though Jesus Christ was crucified?

            Apparently we have a public holiday on Good Friday but not Easter. I felt Easter was the day for a holiday.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Good can also be interpreted as Holy. Perhaps Holy Friday is a better term. According to what I understand, Jesus was crucified at 9 am and died at 3 PM.
            Easter to me is the celebration of His resurrection.
            This year, I personally am preparing my heart and mind for communion.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I hate to rain on your parade, but you are not real Charmin 😲😜

          1. Benjamin says:

            Sorry… I may be a little Brawny. Are you Angel Soft today?🤠🔥

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            I’m gonna die!!!!!!!!!!! Like for real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          3. Benjamin says:

            I will ensure to refrain from asking tough questions. It is bad manners 2 ply.

      1. T. Maxwell-Harrison says:

        Yes England is on lockdown, but I am personally instructed not to go out AT ALL. Been inside about a month now.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I work in a prison setting, so I am doing my best to stay healthy and prevent being exposed or exposing anyone.

          1. T. Maxwell-Harrison says:

            Damn that must be hard. I pray for everyone atm, stay safe and keep gracing the internet with these posts! I enjoy reading them! 🙂

          2. Benjamin says:

            Thank you T. Maxwell for your kind words!
            Out of curiosity, how far are you from Northwich, UK?

          3. Benjamin says:

            I don’t know how much you have read my ongoing story, but the town that is focused on in great detail is named Northwich. I had no idea it was a town in England until I was about 60,000 words in. It is neat that you live in the proximity!

          4. T. Maxwell-Harrison says:

            I think its great you named your town after it. I think its a lovely place. It’s had a lot of investment over the past six years.

  1. 100 Country Trek says:

    The masks are a good idea,,,too bad about the toilet paper….My dog set my alarm…took her for a walk and she grabbed a piece of gum from the sidewalk…I got it out of her I am wondering…does she have COVID-19…and will I.

    1. Benjamin says:

      That is frustrating. I imagine you washed your hands. Still very gross! As for the masks, the oly fun fabric and interfacing is getting pricy.

      I pray you did not get exposed.

  2. rue202 says:

    *screams at the sight of the wrecked toilet paper*
    Just this morning, my grandmother (who’ve I’ve so far been stuck self-isolating with, lol) was watching a video of people in self-isolation that were finally able to go out and put the bins out, so dressed up for the occasion as anything and everything – dinosaurs, bunnies, Darth Vader, someone from Lord of the Rings I think, etc., etc. – and my grandmother turned to me and my brothers and said ‘Right. We’re doing this to’ and I said ‘go ahead’ and she was like ‘yeah…wait! No! It’s you guys that are doing it’
    So, I pointed a finger at her and another one at my eldest brother and said ‘it’s going to be a vote between you two and ONLY you two’ and my grandmother said to my eldest brother ‘notice how while one finger was pointed at you and I, three were pointed back at her’ (‘her’ being me).

  3. hcmorris77 says:

    my son fell up the stairs yesterday…
    and a opossum decided to make a visit (twice) yesterday
    other than that it’s been pretty quiet around here

    1. Benjamin says:

      Wow! I fell up the stairs and split my tongue when I was a child. That can be scary!

      1. Anonymous says:

        They look like big white rats with pink noses and feer

        1. Benjamin says:

          I have seen pictures of them. I like all varmints away from my property as I have birds and vegetables!

  4. aspooniesmakeupbag says:

    I’ve been making masks too. I’ve made 40 for the men and women at my hubby’s warehouse, masks for all my extended family here in Florida, and now I’m just waiting on my new fabric and elastic to be shipped to start some for our local hospital, fire station, and grocery store. By the way I nominated you for a Food Award, I hope you can do the tag … it was fun to do. All the details are list here ->

    1. Benjamin says:

      i am so glad you are helping! This is beautiful! Thank You for the award, Friend!!!

      1. aspooniesmakeupbag says:

        You’re very welcome 🤗. And It feels good to be able to do something to help durning auch a troubling time

  5. science_girrrrrl says:

    I laughed like a psycho, and my mom asked me if I was okay… 😬
    Also, totally love how you’ve mentioned cellulose xD!!!
    Stay safe- these times are tough…

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! Cellulose Is neat! I have not forgotten the real neat award you gave! I will eventually do a post!

  6. seekingdivineperspective says:

    Our church has been having trivia nights with the home groups competing. Teams have names like “Corona Him with many Coronas,” “Korona Kats,” and “Quaranteam.” And nothing to do with the pandemic, but I also like the names “Quizness in the Front, Pastors in the Back” and (the phrase that strikes fear into every adult church member’s heart): “You’ve Been Scheduled for Nursery.”

    1. Benjamin says:

      That… Sounds entertaining!!! Thank you for this chuckle! It made my day!

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