Shaving With Brothers Campfire

Hello Friends!

There is a unique displeasure to cutting yourself shaving. The face is designed to heal quickly, but bleed profusely. Me, I shave every day, but sometimes I fail the mission and let slip the razor.

At that moment, blood is everywhere and hurriedly you finish the shaving, risking additional cuts. 

Little pieces of toilet paper assist in quick clotting and save the day. But you know in this time of “hardship” the shelves are devoid of the product.

I am not one prone to panic, but this is what it feels like during the incident.

Have a beautiful Sunday Friends and stay blessed!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

33 thoughts on “Shaving With Brothers Campfire

  1. Ishaan Sharma says:

    To a warrior like you, a wound is a trophy proving your bravery!
    But anyways, hope you heal soon.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! That is funny, Ishaan! A battle with the slithering, slimy, sorrid shaver!

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        When you have the spirit to fight, you can turn anything into a weapon. You can turn the hands of a malnourished child to an unbreakable sword!

        Haha! I am in the mood to write a war story.

    1. herbthiel says:

      If you feed them you can create a loyal army. Sherlock Holmes’ Baker Street Irregulars comes to mind.

    2. Ishaan Sharma says:

      What if the evil king takes away the malnourished child’s food so he has nothing to eat, and you help him overthrow the king and start maybe a democracy? In that case the child will eventually have enough food.
      Can I call that a win-win?

        1. Ishaan Sharma says:

          How about naming the king ‘Shah wing-mah-sheen’
          Do you get the pun? Sorry if too stupid 😀

  2. herbthiel says:

    I don’t know if they still make them, but styptic pencils are handy.

  3. Halbarbera says:

    For the couple years, I shave with water not shaving cream. I rarely cut myself, only slightly when I use a new razor.

    When I used shaving cream I would cut myself weekly.

    Just my experience is all I can say!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I grow a lot of hair in my face. I personally like the shaving cream. I may have to try it once. Thanks for the tip!

      1. Halbarbera says:

        By the way! I’m 78+ but look closer to 60 or less per everyone, including doctors, who meet me for the first time! Little or no facial wrinkles for sure!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Wow! Do you have a picture of your timeless face on your site ?

          1. Halbarbera says:

            An Hilarious Cute Judy Lee Christmas after 5:30 minutes, balding hair and all.

          1. Benjamin says:

            Well, our flesh is but something we wear for now. Our mortal shall put on immortality.

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