Hello friends!
Springtime in the Colorado Rockies is fickle. If you don’t like the weather, wait 15 minutes. One day I am posting of lovely green, and another, I am trying to navigate in the snow!

In other news,
I am so close to having the Bible read through for the year and will start reading an old standby I have read off and on for over 20 years.

Thanks for yet again another legendary breakfast, Beloved!
Good saturday. 😀
Happy day to you!
Good job. Yeah, Springtime in the Rockies.
Spring time, here in Northern India, this time is very unpredictable too. Its too sunny on one day and pouring down the next one.!
I would like to go there sometime!
Sure! Anytime. But I must warn you about the extreme hot summers. 😊😉
What is the overall climate?
It varies very much, because of all the four seasons. Summers (May-July)are very hot, it gets upto 45 degrees Celcius and Rainy season (July-September) is even worse due to the humidty.
Winters (Dec-Feb)are cold too but I am sure you are used to it more that us as it doesn’t snow here.
The best part are autumn and spring.
(Oops.. it got long)
Thank you for the insight. I could not handle the humidity very well. I like all 4 seasons for various reasons.
Please do not apologize for informative paragraphs! I am excited that you are well and going strong. This is the Campfire, tell us a tale of your homeland!
Every season does has it charm! Humidity is very exhausting for me too.
That is very reassuring, Ben, thank you. I’ll certainly keep it in mind. 🙂
Please do! I like to talk about many subjects!
For sure! 🙂
Sun Tzu, The Bible, and breakfast. Great combo.
Isn’t it though?
WOW! 😁
Thank you David! Wow Indeed!
Your welcome! ☺
I don’t know how I didn’t know that you live up in the mountains here in Colorado. Guess I missed that. We are down here just south of Denver along the front range. I love Colorado and have lived here for 34 of my 41 years. We definitely get some crazy weather in the spring. 😊 God bless!
I see we are close neighbors. perhaps we can meet up one day!
Yeah, that would be cool, and quite the blog post later too! 🙂
Oh wow. I lived in Leadville for 2 years. Talk about a shock to the old sunny southern California system. It was a love/hate relationship and I miss it sometimes. The concrete jungle gets boring after awhile. Enjoy your day!
It’s too sunny here, Sadly!
Somber Sad Sunnyness on Sunday? Where are you located?
Tamil Nadu, India.
Thank You!
Oh, very neat! You are almost on the exact opposite side of the planet from me!
Ohh really, where are you from exactly? May I know, if you don’t mind !
I am from Colorado, United States. I live beside beautiful Pikes Peak!
That’s Great and thank you for your time.
Do you get to see the ocean?
Sorry couldn’t get You!
Umm… Ok Friend!
Very nice photos
Thank you Winlinh10!
The weather certainly sounds interesting where you live!
We have mild weather, but Chinook winds that make it diverse at times. I hope you are having a great day, Linda!
Bonjour Amies Ami
J’ai un cœur, tout tendre qui bat
Un petit cœur qui pourtant est grand comme ça
Il y a toujours une place pour une personne
Mon petit cœur est peux-t être fragile
Il m’a dis un jour
Que tu as réussi à trouver le mot de passe pour venir sur mon blog
Que ce code n’était pas très compliqué
Il est fait d’amour et d’amitié , de tendresse et de douceur
Ce n’est pas parce que on ne se voit pas ,que cela n’existe pas
Mon petit cœur te souhaite une bonne journée
Un bon dimanche
Prends soin de toi, Bisous Bernard
Thank you Bernard, Most Kind!
Oh, how I wish I could be in the Rockies this spring. Anywhere except stuck inside! Best wishes for staying safe and sane.
Back at you friend! I love the mountains, but the weather changing every 30 minutes due to Chinook winds is a little different.
Hey, hello there!! on another note, thanks for stopping by “It Is What It Is” … and the follow. Hope you enjoy your
visits there!! Hugs … Peace!!’ __/l\__
Have a beautiful day, Doctor Rex!
Same to you and yours!! 🙂