Hello Friends!

This post is a little random and scrambled, but I have a few different topics to speak about! First off, I would like to thank the twenty some individuals who gave me various blogging awards! There is no possible way I can make that many posts without leaving someone out or being ridiculous. I will say that I am nost humbled and honored for the consideration.

Moving right along on my Saturday Scramble, I have great news! My cattails that I Planted are coming up!

My buddy Ishaan was interested in my peas. This is what they look like so far.

So, there has been a lot of isolation coupled with boredom.I think one of the younger members of the family thought it fit to assemble a Carsiolian fort in the yard. It is possible I am being invaded as well.

Oh.. Yeah Tish Girl if I am not mistaken has never had a smore. I went ahead and made her one. One day I should do a tutorial.

Well, I am off to work! Have a wonderful day!
Brilliant post as usual, great photos!
Thank you T Maxwell!
Amazing peas!
And love the carisolian camp too!
Ha ha! Thank you!
A wonderful morning scramble! Never had s’mores?! Yes, you should do a tutorial. They’re a campfire joy. Congrats on All of your awards, you’re most worthy. Have a wonderful day 😊
Thank you Suzanne! I was so overwhelmed by all the nominations! I will make a tutorial for s’mores soon, hopefully!
Your tutorials and process explanations are usually very good. This might be a good subject.
Smores are an important aspect of the Campfire. I agree that it is an excellent subject!
You are such an incredible farmer!
Ahhhhh that smore! I just melted.
Smores are good!
They’re better than good!
Listening to the streaming tomorrow?
Yes sir
Way cool! It is always a pleasure to have you attend with us!
Thanks for reminding me… I might’ve forgotten.
😲…. I doubt it. You have a brain the size of a planet!
Ha no way!
Lydia, I am thinking about a 1000 Follower Giveaway. Any Ideas?
Are you wanting to spend any money on it?
And can I win it? 😉
I did a gift card for my 500 follower giveaway. Easy to ship off and send through mail… much better than a duck!
Oh…. You wanted a duck for the prize?
No. I was kidding!
I can arrange to ship you several dozen if you would like.
For free?
That would be a mean gift!
How did you decide who got it?
Wrote names on paper slips and drew one lucky person!
Oh, what if it is overseas like India?
If it’s a giftcard, it’s still fine. Just costs more for shipping. A USA person won mine
I have a diverse group. What do you recommend?
That is true. I’d have to leave that up to you.
Cool! Thank you for the advice!
Anytime bro
You are amazing, little sister!!!
You’re more amazing!
You are most amazing!
You are mostest amazing person ever!
Oh… The mostest card… Well played.
. you.. Are the mostest amazingest person ever!
I give up!
Ha ha! Yes! I win! You are better than me!
I’m dead. I didn’t hear that.
Hmmm. Am I talking to your ghost?
No!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate ghosts!
You look like a ghost.
When ?
Hmmm IDK
I’m listening!
Get off of WP and listen to the preaching! He’s in Acts 1.
7 pm your time!
That was the most incredible service I’ve ever heard before! I think he planned that just for me…. which makes me feel weird.
God works like that!
I guess I need to get alone with God right now.
Prayer is always a good thing.
Thanks for the smore!😂 Looks delish!😋 I’ll have to try one soon… maybe make one following your tutorial!😊
You are welcome! Sounds Like Tutorial Time!
Indeed it does!😊
You are definitely being invaded. S’mores are essential.
I agree. I had better stockpile on the graham, mallow and chocolate!
Awesome on all counts!
Thank You Rue!
Great pics and Yummmmmm smores. I haven’t made it to the grill yet this year.
Stay well and laugh a lot
Thank you! S’mores are indeed yummy! Have a beautiful Sunday!
congrats 🎉🎉
Thanks! Is the weather warm?
What are tomorrows plans?
studying,playing,cooking,blogging at home that’sall
What’s about you?
I plan to work in my garden, go hiking, perhaps cook a little! How is college?
close upto 3 may may be lock down in there 😨 stay at home home only home and don’t know when is paper. 🤔 We all just study at home.
That is a long time! Keep up the studying!
yes! sure.
Nice carsiolion camp !! 😊
Ha ha! Someone worked hard on that one! How is your day?
Queit normal and enjoyed then made some bread for the children !! Wish you a great Sunday !! 😊
You as well, friend!
You are living the best life.
Thank you! I try to make simple things fantastic. An example would be a trip to the dollar store. I make it as exciting as possible!
That you do.
Thank you, friend!
I have been needing a good bonfire in the back yard for some time now but I’m always away at work. Plus the yard was full of snow…and then under water. Now we are under a fire ban. Fingers crossed I can hold in there until the ban is lifted! Or perhaps I should try a smore done over the toaster LOL
Angie, wow… That is a lot! Perhaps for now you can hang out at Brothers Campfire! I like to make s’mores over a stove eye! I hope things start looking up, friend! Don’t be a stranger!
I’m getting caught up slowly! I fell pretty far behind with all this “having to work for a living” stuff haha.
I get it! I am scheduling my posts ahead as 4 10s are the new norm.
I do wish there was more time for reading though!
Oh how I miss reading my own books. I read to the kids lots, but it’s not the same.
Do you have a library of sorts at home then?
We own quite a few books but we mostly use the public library in the town next to us because it’s free 🙂
Free is good! Sometimes we forget to return books and it is not so free!
📖 =💰 🤠🔥
Reading to the kids…. Mine are just a few years past that!