Brothers Campfire Pulls Cat tails

Hello Friends!

No feline cats were harmed in the production of this post.

For a while now, I have been shopping around for cattails for my yard. Many garden shops do not sell large varietys and I have been told by both the specialty stores to just dig some up and put them in your yard.

I have never done this before, so I watched a few YouTube’s about the subject. They give the impression that you just pull a cattail out of the ground and demonstrate it with ease.

Well, I would post a link, but they were wrong!

Me making a dirty discovery

I did not wish to make anyone upset for gathering them so I located some in a damaged drainage ditch near my home. These tough little guys were nearly a foot in the mud! Eww!

Due to my muddy hands, I was unable to take photos, but I dug up around 12 plants.

Returning to Willow Manor, I dug a trench about as deep as the roots were and planted them. The ducks loved splashing in all the mud I made!

I planted them here!

I covered the plants with alternating layers of straw and mud to simulate the area I found them in. The ducks loved it and buried their heads neck deep in the mixture as I supersaturated the area with water.

Top Left. The white male duck looks on in contempt. I tell you, they have personality!

I have several reasons for wanting cattails on my property. I could go on for a while about them, but I will save that for when they are not dormant so I can photograph the useful parts.

Hopefully, an aesthetically pleasing look will be suffice for now.

At this point, it is time to wait and see if any come up. I am fairly confident they will as some view them as prolific weeds.

Speaking of waiting, due to instructions given by medical staff, I am doing my best to stay far from people in a waiting game to ensure I am good to be around others.

Looking like a colorful bank robber helps.

Oh dear, a seam is showing on my custom buff.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

25 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Pulls Cat tails

  1. herbthiel says:

    I can remember hearing about cattails but I don’t remember any particulars.

      1. leendadll says:

        I feel like you’re going to reproduce the “hotdog on a stick” meme.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I had to look that one up! Give Adam a hello for me, will you? I love cats!

          1. Crazy ideas with crazy fun😜! says:

            UNLESS one of my neighbors dog’s will eat them!!! I don’t know why but they have eaten the rest of my plants!!! That’s why i’ve stopped growing them!!

    1. Benjamin says:

      No doubt! I did everything I know to do to make it successful. The high volume of plants increases my chances of success I believe! How is the Salsa World Traveler faring today?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Cassa Bassa! Do you have the things you need while we are hunkering down?

      1. Cassa Bassa says:

        Thanks for asking. Yes we do. Some food selections are out of stock, I asked around and got given some, e.g. salt 😁 so all good.

          1. Cassa Bassa says:

            I have 2kg, a friend gave me it when she knew i ran out and could not get any. How sweet!

          2. Benjamin says:

            Way cool! We are talking about how sad it would be not to have any.

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