Hello Friends!
Today is a scrambled up Saturday as I have a lot to do today!
Watering the garden, feeding the birds and getting ready for work have kept me busy this morning. Prepare for random!

My friend, Pooja Rani, who drew a Campfire picture for my personal use gave me a link to a really cool artist.
I am not one to promote art sites, but Nanan’s Blog is off to a great start. Having spoke to Nanan, I discovered that she is learning art from YouTube. If you get the chance, check it out. She has very realistic drawings that are beyond fantastic. While I am giving a shlut out to some of my artist friends, I will take the time to showcase my art.

Moving on to the next random….
I fed my new ducks some leftover fried rice today. They loved it! I tried to record it, but they are afraid of the Cyclops.

Here are some photos of my attempt. I found it notable that the boy goose stepped out to the forefront.

Here is a quick video of my recording attempt!
Onwards to more random. My beloved is working on decorative feather macrame. It has to to with wall art or something. Lots of knots.

Apparently, you spray glue on these macrame feathers to stiffen them and hang them on a stick. Perhaps you all know about it, but I most certainly do knot!
In other news, we recently purchased a broken dryer from a company.

I am going to give them a chance to make it right. Perhaps an evil Alchemist from another dimension is responsible for it not working.

Well friends, I am off to work! I look forward to hearing from you in the comments! Remember,

Cute ducks!
Cuter goose.
He seems protective.
Are geese naturally taller or is this one the eldest?
They are a lot bigger. They are vigilant. I have seen my goose chase medium sized dogs away from the smaller birds.
Yeah, like that!
How old is trumpet?
I am not sure. I got her for 2 dollars at an auction!
That’s amazing.
Sure is!
Lovely day… With your nice attempts with art..!
I do what I can! 🤠😜🔥
I am glad you liked!
Fried rice!??????????
Is that bad?
You’re gonna kill em!
It is pre swelled and expanded.
When you get married, I am going to throw pre cooked rice to save the birdy stomachs.
You mean the old fashion thing at weddings where they blow bubbles now or light firecrackers and sparklers?
Yes. Wet, cold rice. Fireworks you say?
Yuck. So mean. You won’t be able to do that anyway, because you’ll be the best man.
Yep!!!!!!!!!!!! Boom boom bang!
Really to what?
Being involved in your 💒 wedding? I would so do that.
I would love that. I can’t pick the best man and groomsmen though. My guy would have to do that.
I see. I will attend. Did you like my Beloveds Macrame?
I’ll try to convince him about you. Just start practicing with some good behavior. 😉
Oh YES!!!!! how could I forget
Ha ha! What behaviors do I need to clean up for the big day?
Everything!!!!!! Just be the best man ever!
Wow, I did not know I would be planning like this. Can I wear my favorite hat?
No hats allowed silly!
Even outdoors? That’s where I planned on throwing pre cooked rice, little sister!
I’m not having an outdoor wedding. It’s a in church.
Ok big brother but I told you not to throw rice if you’re my best man.
Ok. No rice. No hats indoors. Hey, did my Beloved talk to you about sending a graduation gift?
Not since Monday.
That was forever ago! Let us know where you would like it sent. 📫
Over email right!?
I think that is a fabulous idea.
So, back to the ducks. What should I feed them next?
Sent it. VERY LUCKY… I’m telling you….
Ok ummm food!
Lima beans?
Triple ewwww!
How about pizza?
Awesome idea…. OR HOTDOGS!
Hmm. That sounds good!
So good if ya ask me!
Is he feeding you or the ducks?
Oh my word. I’m dying laughing/crying right now.
I thought all southerners like “butter beans.”
Yeah but I ain’t very fond of that!
All Sweet Tea, No Butter Bean
Are you even really Southern?
When it comes to the word “y’all” and sweet tea, yes.
I wonder sometimes if you aren’t just a Yankee wannabe.
Okay. Okay. We believe you.
I mean, it’s not like you’re over-arguing about it or anything.
Ha. Of course not.
Of course.
Just like your son.
He’s learning. He’s a born Yankee, though, not a wannabe.
So funny
Oh my
“Hey you guys!” where is that from?
Down here. Yep…. southern
Ha ha!
Which do you want, Best man or good behavior?
*FIST BUMP* Dude you are awesome!!!!!!!!
What now, Ben?
Ha ha! I was speechless for a second!
I’m not sure why I would be. I have the best little sister in the World!
Awwww But I have the BEST big brother on earth and mars!!!!!!!
Well, I have the best little sister on Mercury, Venus, and Earth!
But you’re the best on Jupiter and all the other ones.
Don’t Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider?
I’m offended!
I am sorry! Here, have a candy bar!
THANK YOU!!!! I wish you would offend me more often
Then you wouldn’t be able to fit in your wedding dress down the road.
Oh, you want me to reveal my candy bar stash!
Yes but that was rude
You asked to be offended more often.
very true. I’m only 110 lbs
Kinda. Red Bull is mine!
Fair enough! Red Bull it is!
Without sugar
It’s a couple bucks
I will pick you up one!
Wow thanks
Shipping and Handling will be expensive!
Don’t ship it here!
No? ok!
NO!!!!!!! My mom would… oh man! Don’t!
She finds out I’m over dosing on narcan again….
Oh.. How about the Armed Forces! Great Post, Lydia!
Yep thanks
You are Welcome!
Good To Know!
Here, do you drink soda?
Only diet
Did I give you a complex? Here we go,,,,,
Uh oh
I got it from Mars
😉 😉
Ha! Beat You! 3 Planets!
I know.
Ha Ha Ha !!!!
So love your duck duck goose … that goose is so big compared to the others 😄😄 love them!
My grandfather used to have pigeons… he would raise them – they all had tags on their ankles – and he would race them… usually from Connecticut to Massachusetts – but it would be so cool watching them come home!!! Sooo cool!!! They always came home
I have never heard of or have ever seen that feather thing either lol… interesting… what to you do after you hang them on a stick? Is just decoration?
I want to raise pigeons eventually. I am just not set up for it and the hawks Will get them where I live! I guess the macrame is for decoration. I will keep you updated as I learn more about it! Be safe and don’t let your job get you down!
We have Hawks here too… Oh my god! On their wing span 😮😳😱
The feathers are very beautiful and incredible work to make!!! Did your wife make those 😮
She did! Do you want me to ask her to make a tutorial?
That would be amazing!!!
And wow… she is quite talented!! Tyvm!
I called her up she is going to try and document it for us! Hawks are pretty big! One of the reasons I have elected to get ducks is that they are heavier and feisty.
She is pretty gifted!
Very much so!!
I see a pineapple.
Yummy…and Random!
so many sweet things you’ve touched on here – lovely post 🙂
Ha ha! Thanks! It was rather random!
The geese are so cute !
Love those feather macrames <3
I most certainly did "knot" know what a macrame was either and found out only after googling. Love this post. Keep blogging. 🙂
Thank you for the encouragement, Shreya! I am glad you enjoyed your stay at the Campfire! Have a beautiful day!
You have a beautiful day as well ! 🙂
Thank you!