Hello Friends!
Recently I attempted, but did not complete a hike from Pueblo, Colorado to Colorado Springs, a distance of approximately 35 miles.
Shoes are on order, and if they are the right size, I will be trying again soon. I despise quitting. My route will be the same and I will travel lighter.
Speaking of quitting, the thought of writing a fiction story burns within.
I put that on pause for a while. When things at my work settle down, I may consider it again.
For my weekend, I am resting up. The constant physical activity with home projects, camping, hiking and the long hours at work necessitates a little down time.

Ever an observer of the little things, a Sunday morning check of my garden revealed an interaction between a spider and a fly. He was quite self conscious of the photography shoot and I could not focus well with all the moving around.

Shortly thereafter, I attended church. Attention to God’s Word is important to me.
Recently, I read poetry calling God a crutch. To clarify for my readers, God is not a crutch to me, but rather a wheelchair.

If you ever want to attend online, here is a link to the best church on the planet. Heritage Pentecostal Church.
On the way home from church, I was reminded by a passenger about a tutorial I made called The Bologna Connection. We promptly went to the dollar store and prepared a cheap and tasty lunch.

Life is what you make it. If life gives you crackers, cheese, bologna, and mustard, enjoy it!

I for one did not get a portion of bologna or mustard on one of my crackers. Observe if you will, the cheese and crackers to go with my whine.

After lunch, I pruned my grape vines. I am trying to root a few of the cuttings to plant next spring.

In the picture above, you can see me liberally applying honey to the stem. It has an antibacterial effect and is known to promote root growth. Time will tell!
My Beloved was busy as well. Here are a few of the many flowers she has grown.

Today I continued to sit back and relax a little. No long hikes or wheelbarrows of rock. We did not scrimp on a breakfast of eggs with salsa and jalapeno, corned beef hash, beans, and cornbread washed down with hot, black coffee.

Now, while I have relaxed a little, It does not mean I have been lazy. Today I learned about sprinkler heads and how to change them.

School is also starting soon so it was time to spruce up some school supplies. As you can see, this notebook holder used to be pink for one grade and was painted black for another year of use.

Prior to painting, it is important that the surface is clean and free of dust as possible.

While not perfect, It is ready for a third year of use. I hope there is no bitterness toward this frugal father down down the road.

Later in the day, I worked in the yard and let the ducks out of the normal fenced area they are in to eat some grasshoppers. I also bothered them a little by playing fetch with my dog around them. Bubbles is accustomed to working with birds, but Armando, our male Toulouse goose was not having it. I named Armando for his protective nature for his flock and his regal demeanor.

I made a quick recording of the birds interacting with my dog and it glitched a little when compiling. It is still a worthy watch nonetheless. Armando
Well friends, that is all for now, I lo
Always such fun. Hope to hear about your trail travels soon. Have a blessed night.
The notebook Holder looks great!
The lunch also looks good I’m sure it was delicious.
Ha ha! The meal was great! Thanks for the compliment!
Very good, taking a little time to just relax and enjoy things.
Nice to read. May God’s Blessings be Upon you.
Thank you! To you as well!
Lovely to peek into your day! Thanks for sharing 🌸
Thanks for stopping by! Have you done any singing lately?
Ahh! I’m glad you remember. Well work has been keeping me busy. Hope you are doing well and stay safe! 🌸
Of course I remember your music! You work hard and apply yourself and it shows! Work is keeping me quite busy. I work in a prison, what is your industry? 🤠🔥
Wow! That must be interesting. On a completely stark opposite profession, I work in a consulting company. How is the pandemic days going so far?
It is work work work!
Your beloved grows some pretty flowers, great for home deco.
And the ducks 😃😊💚
Thanks! How is your day?
My day is filled with blessings, once I started to count them my days gets better and better.
Good to hear friend! What season is it over there?
End of winter
We are nearing the end of summer.
Fall and Spring are exciting seasons.
Agreed! Beginning of life and bearing fruit!
Everything looks and sounds amazing! Except the spider and fly.
Well, the fly was not too enthusiastic about it all eaither.
Love the ducks! I hope you manage next time, I hate when I need to quit things.
I am hoping to challenge myself soon!🤠🔥
Hello my friend. Looks amazing and I bet lots of fun involved as well. How have you been?
I am well and trying to keep engaged with my children so they are active during these restricive times. How is the covid?
The numbers are growing in terms of community transmission the numbers are rising but only in one city. Its not in the whole country and praying that it stays like that. It is scary, hopefully we are able to control this soon
We will be praying for you as well. Stay safe!🤠🔥
the flowers are beautiful. thank you
I will let ger know!
Great read and note book holder looks so beautiful !! 😂
Thank you Suni! Perhaps we will paint it again next year! 🤠🔥
Good to hear !! 😊
It’s so fun to read your blogs.
Just like reading a little, innocent and naughty kid’s diary. And your pictures makes it more fun
Ha ha! I should have a new post up in a couple of days. Look forward to seeing you there!🤠🔥
I’ll be the first one🤠🤠🤠🤠
Sigh, comedian crickets
Ha ha! I told a joke to a few. Tough crowd.
All I Heard Was Crickets
😂 😂 Were they grasshoppers?
Maybe you heard only crickets because the grasshoppers didn’t get it… 😂
I suppose it is better than those itch hiking fleas I drove by yesterday.
😂 😂
Thanks for your “likes” and following my blog, and in so doing, introducing me to yours. A very interesting site…thanks for posting!
Ah, a fellow “likes” cynic. You are well reasoned and articulate on your site. I appreciate the flavor of your work. Have a beautiful day and enjoy some cookies and tea! 🍪 🍵 🤠🔥