I took a call on a claim one time where the guy was driving an older car, something from the sixties, if I remember, where the vents come directly from outside. He was driving along and opened the vent and the car was full of Miller moths. He couldn't see and was freaked out and went off the road. It's funny because the only injury he sustained was to his pride.
General Gallio seems like a knowing man. I hope Lady Lydia can be rescued before it's too late. How did they capture her? Was she out somewhere that she didn't belong? Had she escaped her bodyguards?
First of all, the police in the 1930s & 1940s were no different than they are today. You had all kinds of officers, good and bad and power hungry knuckleheads. In this country we can criticize the police. We can also criticize the government at any level. I guess it depends on how much you trust the government. You are, of course, welcome to unquestioningly do whatever the government says, many people never question the government. The restrictions of the time period we refer to as The Great Depression, if you will blow the dust off your history book, had...
"...borscht and kimche was readily available..." Cracked me up. Yeah, Fountain Police department is pretty bad. One of the multitude of reasons to love 'Murrica is that we can be critical and we can know and understand our rights and stand up for them. A number of years ago someone we both know, Matt, had his house broken into and the Fountain PD messed up the investigation badly.