Brothers Campfire Celebrates One Year Of WordPress Blogging!

Hello Friends!

Today was my one year anniversary of blogging on WordPress!

I would like to thank everyone around the world for supporting me and encouraging me to do my best. Indeed I have friends in a global community!

I would like to thank my father, Herb Thiel for getting the website up and running. Thanks dad!

I would also like to thank the Forest People of the Heron Tribe for the amazing artwork that inspired the Bard, Beast, and Brother in my story about the Land of La Longi. You are the best!

Fun Fact. This Picture Was Drawn By An Internationally Known Celebrity.

In addition to the story, I have written about a wide variety of subjects to include gardening, religion, singing, and all kinds of silliness. Through it all, you have managed to put up with me!

I have the best readers, friends, and family in the world, Thank You!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

156 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Celebrates One Year Of WordPress Blogging!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Gabrielle! It is an honor to have someone of your caliber drop by!🤠🔥

      1. short-prose-fiction says:

        My pleasure. You are too kind. I don’t get to tell you enough how much I enjoy your blog. You deserve plenty of accolades. Your posts are wonderful.

          1. Benjamin says:

            🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪 Absolutely! Let them cool a little, they are piping hot!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Ishaan! I will!
      They respectfully asked me not to tell or I would probably have quite a few more followers. I appreciate you, friend!

        1. Benjamin says:

          It is. I did not want to ride on someone’s coattails either.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Linda! You have been with me for most of the journey. I appreciate your educational blog!

  1. salsaworldtraveler says:

    Wow! You are doing such great job with your blog I thought you had been blogging for years. Congratulations on your first anniversary!

  2. Mizou says:

    Congratulations friend !!! 👏👏👏 Happy blogging !

      1. Mizou says:

        You are always welcome Brotherscampfire ! 😊🙏

      2. Mizou says:

        You are always welcome Brothers Campfire !!! 😊🙏

      1. Kritika says:

        BBQ is amazing. Thank you 🙂 🙂
        Campfire and your stories. 😀

  3. Loveblossom says:

    Congratulations Sir Ben. You have a successful blog and the thing I love the most is that you live each day of your life with a good, energetic and positive spirit.
    I’m glad I’m one of your thousands of readers and maybe friends too. Congratulations once again. I wish you more development with your blog
    Also you look very handsome

    1. Benjamin says:

      (Salvaged From Spam… Sorry) Thank you for your encouragement! You are an amazing friend! I am glad someone finds my mug attractive. They used to put a pork chop on my neck to get the dogs to play with me! Have a beautiful day!

  4. manishasky says:

    You have come a long way, and a long way to go! Congratulations 💐 and all the best 🌸

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for being a regular to the Campfire, Cassa Bassa. You are like family to me.

  5. Lydia says:

    I almost said “wow” again!😆
    Congrats! That is super awesome! Keep it up!

    1. Benjamin says:

      (Salvaged From Spam… Sorry) Wow is cool coming from you! Perhaps you will read this in several years!

  6. Lydia says:

    I almost said “wow” again!😆
    Congrats! That is super awesome! Keep it up!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks! It is really neat thay my little sister is off to college soon!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, “Mel”! Have a blessed day whether you want to or not!😝

  7. achme24gmailcom says:

    Epic pic bro!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you friend! I see you did some Colorado Posts! 🤠🔥

        1. Benjamin says:

          Let me know and perhaps my Beloved and I can meet you and yours at a restaurant or something.

      1. leendadll says:

        Kitties are all very happy that temps have lowered!! Tuitui acts like she’s no longer nursing and Moon Kitty is spending more & more time away from her babies. Time to get a TNR group in here to get all the strays and ferals fixed!!!

        I think my blog-aversary was earlier this month and my wp-aversary is early next month, but I’m not sure. If my memory is right, it’s 10yrs here and 16 to 18 overall. But I strongly doubt my memory!!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Wow! That is a long time to blog! It sounds like you are doing a great thing with the cats! Way to go!

  8. Beverly says:

    Congratulations, nephew! Happy 1 year blog anniversary! Your blog is a joy to all!😁

    1. Benjamin says:

      (Salvaged From Spam… Sorry) Absolutely! You are all that and a cylinder of pringles!

    1. Benjamin says:

      (Salvaged From Spam… Sorry) Thank You! Sips on sock coffee!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I cannot stand Askimet. I realize it has value for spam, but I had 17 messages that were all valid.

          1. America On Coffee says:

            AOC COMMENTS ARE EXPERIENCING THE SAME INCLUDING THE TRASH. Nothing cyber perfect but something needs to be done. Opting out subjects us to other battles. Sad. 😣

          2. Benjamin says:

            What is so frustrating is that my settings are wide open for all comments.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Well, let’s talk about it, shall we? First and foremost, I am a father and a husband. I prioritize a lot from there. When I was a lot younger, I spent from sunrise to sunset in the woods near my home when not at work or school. I did a lot of camping and outdoor activities. I now camp and hike when occasion allows. Are you asking in disbelief of a 35 mile hike?

          4. America On Coffee says:

            I do not disbelieve. My brothers were cadets and rotc. I inherited an outdoorsy love from my uncles, cousins, brothers hunting, raising pigeons, hiking, survival techniques, tent set ups, making underground tunnels.

          5. Benjamin says:

            Way cool! Never dug an underground tunnel, but I have built quite a few shelters!

          6. America On Coffee says:

            Urban shelters or shelters in the wilds? Yo know, I don’t think there should be any homelessness when treehouses can be readily constructed. I don’t believe trees have any problems with people living on them.🤔

          7. Benjamin says:

            I have built a lot of outdoor shelters in place of a tent. Homelessness can be a mindset in my opinion.

          8. America On Coffee says:

            Yes it can be a mindset until realty seeps in. Mind over matter is powerful but only if we can withstand other unexpected storms, at the same time, in the same space, at different momentums.😳😷🥀

  9. Saniya says:

    Congratulations my dear friend😆
    Keep writing and sharing!
    Happy blogging! I know I am late but realizes matter, it’s all about the happiness and respect between all of us. So keep going💮

    1. Benjamin says:

      You are not late! It is a pleasure to see you reading my posts! Have a beautiful day!

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