Brothers Campfire, Mystery, and Photography, Totally

Hello Friends!

This week started right with church first thing Sunday morning.

Getting your soul fed on the Word of God is a great way to begin.

A much ignored black backed book.

Now, my pastor tells it like it is and there is no comfortable wiggle room. He reads right from it and breaks it down so we can walk a straight and narrow.

We have had a large increase in visitors and folks who used to come because times are changing and God is drawing people close to Him. If you want to know more, do feel free to ask!

After church, a small number of the tribe gathered around Brother’s Campfire for a potluck. In fact, the world famous blogger Herb Thiel from Prudentia Sit was there.


Marty, The Motivated Mower Attended as Well.

Before everyone arrived, I was in a straight. I was out of propane!

My out of propane face

I was compelled to utilize an open fire. You can imagine the toll that must have taken on my psyche to prepare one.

A Cooking Fire

After some time, we enjoyed a low cost culinary adventure! It does not take gobs of cash to have a lot of fun.

That being said, I think my guests had a great time. In fact, some of my smaller friends attended and brought their own food.

I have been working on up close photography as I have a distinct enjoyment in the little things that make our world go round. Here are a few more guests.




Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a photographer to some extent. With the arrival of the smart phone, anyone can be. Here is a try at macro photography.

A Sunflower

Taking these was enjoyable and I hope to get better at it. I holstered my capturing device and put some of my younger guests to work playing in the mud.

One thing I noticed about my birds is they have a knack for finding low wet spots in the yard and digging in them with thier bills making small puddles when the sprinkler sprinkles. The young technicians installed coffee cans for water retention.

Whoever buys this house down the road will look at these strangely placed water holes with wonder and amazement at the prior eclectic owner.

The Ducks Love These!

Hard work mucking in the mud requires reward. We harnessed up and tried our hand at a rope swing.

No Brother’s Campfire Event is complete without a campfire. The day ended with coffee, smores and tall tales.

Oh, the mystery. Letters are shifted one forward.


Have a beautiful day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

82 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire, Mystery, and Photography, Totally

  1. Lydia says:

    Out of propane face!😂
    That food looks soooo good!
    Awesome close up pics!

          1. Lydia says:

            I’m taking pics of all my collected southern t shirts and selling them.😔

          2. Lydia says:

            😂No. I already put them out there but it’s not for the whole world to see!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Yeah, I don’t know any girls. 🤥🙄…. Well, it is good to let some things go.

          4. Benjamin says:

            🤠🔥 here, have gluten free cookies!🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

  2. Anonymous says:

    Look like a relaxing afternoon

  3. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Seems like an Amazing day!
    So I did decode the mystery
    Should I post the answer here for the benefit of the others or do you want them to wrack their brains?

  4. Ashley F Lintner says:

    Remind me not to read your blog before bed, unfortunately, I still have nightmares of spiders when seen too close to bed time. I’m sorry I had to miss the gathering.

  5. Loveblossom says:

    Your photography is amazing sir Ben. 😎😎🤠🤠🤠
    And, the out of propane face, was so cute. 😘😘😘

    1. Benjamin says:

      (Salvaged From Spam… Sorry) I am working hard on photography, Thank You! Ha Ha on propane face!

  6. achme24gmailcom says:

    That was fun to decode!

  7. Petra says:

    I love all the flower photos! Also, the mystery was fun, just right for my after work evening brain.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I will try more photos. My hands are not steady enough. Perhaps a tripod is in order. The messages may become a thing here.

  8. dumbestblogger says:

    That meal looks extremely appetizing, although the water does seem a bit on the brownish side.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, the ducks judge by the content of the character in relation to the water.

        1. Benjamin says:

          “You can’t separate mud from water because no one can be in mud unless he has his water.” Quackum X -Duck Community Leader

          1. Benjamin says:

            Yes…He revolutionized the way we look at the. Bill of Flights

    2. Benjamin says:

      To clarify, they have 2 kiddy pools of fresh drinking water. They like to dig in the mud for insects and gravel as well.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I read about your digging habits the other day.. If you 💩 everywhere and like swimming, probably.

          1. dumbestblogger says:

            Mystery solved. Well, actually, I’m ok with swimming. When I was a kid I hardly got out of the water, but I had ear surgery when I was fifteen and it kinda messed it up for me.

          2. Benjamin says:

            That is good or I may have been the Dumbest Blogger. I may still be.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I suppose there are those in your family that may find them tasty!

  9. Roser says:

    The low cost culinary adventure seems enjoyable indeed. Nice post! 😊🌸

  10. geno says:

    I like your effort for your posts. but there is too much text for me. I have poor eyesight despite reading glasses. i need a magnifying glass for this text. sorry, but an interesting blog.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Bugs are not for everyone. I am interested and intrigued by the complexity of them. I hope it did not negatively impact your day friend! 🤠🔥

  11. Saniya says:

    Loved the pictures which you shared especially that sunflower shot 🌻

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Saniya! I am working hard to provide relevant and exciting content.
      Your poetic words make a difference! Keep it up!

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