Brothers Campfire Challenge Accepted And Other Insights

Well Friends,

Tomorrow is another long day of work. 1 hour prep, 1 hour drive there, 10 hour day, and 1 hour drive back.

Like This, But With A Car And No Cows

Truly, this has adjusted my style and writing. I mist say that 3 days off in a row help take the sting away some.

Like this, but with a cool refreshing soda pop in the other hand.

My time is short, but I have been so all my life.

Feared, Respected. A Dog That Other Dogs Call Alpha

Anyways….. A year of blogging has not been unproductive for me. I have been in the habit of quickly taking pictures of what I do during the day and I am able to guage if I could have done more.

This weekend was fairly productive. Well at least for some of us.

One of the members of the village decided to take his bicycle apart. Initially, I was pretty annoyed. I wondered heavily about the hammer.

My annoyance quickly dissipated when I was asked by the 11 year veteran for a tube from Walmart. This was zero effort on my part. 3 tires on several bikes were fixed that I did not lay a hand on.

I was most assuredly outclassed in the speed and efficiency of these repairs. Kudos to the young man are in order.

Well, maybe a little over the top.

Not inclined to sit high above two wheels at the moment, my Beloved sent me to REI to purchase specialty shoes.

I spoke with Nancy about all of my footwear needs and she provided me with these.

Well, this and it’s mate.

Here are the perks of these shoes.

1.Snow, Mud, and Rain Proof, (for now)

2. Wide toe box and narrow heel (just like my foot)

3. Ankle support with gator traps

Very Important

4. Designed for barefoot walkers. (Have been all summer)

I really liked the shoes. I put them on and sat down to read a few blogs.

It did not take me long to realize this was a subtle hint; there’s a hike that I need to retry from Pueblo to Colorado Springs and summer wont be here long.

I found two things notable about these shoes. Without them knowing, this happened.

Yes, my little sister dared me to do something. Then…. This.

I listened to Lydia’s dare and took the mans invite as a challenge. I had to catch up. After all, I do have the footwear. This is where I am so far. I WILL catch up and Lydia, I did 10 times what you dared.

On the way I saw a way cool praying mantis.

Who Wants Some?

The shoes were great and I am going to travel places in them, but Willow Manor had things needing planted. Before sunset, we planted 250 garlic and a 6×10 bed of hard red winter wheat.

Not too bad for a weekend I suppose!

Lydia is a great little sister and she keeps me motivated. I appreciate her little pushes to excellence.

Do any of you have a challenge you would like for me to try?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

50 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Challenge Accepted And Other Insights

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! We will see what kind of mileage I will get out of them.

  1. Hannah Calintina says:

    Nice shoes!😊
    😬 We’re those ants on your hand?😬

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Hanna! No… They were ants on someone else’s hand!

  2. rue202 says:

    Cool! Well done for successfully completing Lydia’s challenge!
    Any more challenges for you? Hmm…..I’ll have to think on that!

          1. Benjamin says:

            I only post what we speak about in public. For example, the comments.

          2. Lydia says:

            If you do…………………. I’ll go to college and never come back!

          3. Benjamin says:

            Perhaps you will become a professor and they will give you a room!

  3. Loveblossom says:

    The shoes are good.
    And the photo of mantis was really good looks like you are a professional photographer.

    As for the challenge 🤔🤔🤔 I need sometime to think about it.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Take your time and think about it! Thanks for the kind words!

  4. achme24gmailcom says:

    The shoes have arrived I see big bro. Now the excellence must be achieved in the feats above mentioned to be obtained. I’m behind ya. You got this!

  5. Beck says:

    I challenge you to a battle of wits!
    (Beck seriously?!? You will never win.)
    Uh… let’s see… what am I good at?
    (No Beck… not running you can hardly walk without tripping over your shoes. Besides his shoes are from REI — you can’t compete with that.)
    ok… uh… planting wheat
    (what’s wheat?)
    (Nooooo… you had way too much coffee already)
    I’ve got nothing… 🤷‍♀️

    1. Benjamin says:

      😄…I would give you a piece of my mind, but there are precious few slices of grey matter left. The battle of wits would be one sided! I will say, I’m not too bright, but I think slow!

      I am a very slow runner, friend and I planted thhe crop as I am at my wheats end. 🤠🔥

      1. Beck says:

        There is so much funny in there! 😂 how do you do it?
        You won hands down.

    2. Benjamin says:

      Indeed …. I had too much coffee. I need it to work with the incarcerated.

      1. Beck says:

        Although… I could argue there can never be too much coffee… ☕️

          1. Beck says:

            Sorry Buddy… those are reserved only for those with wings. You’ll get there I promise!!! Lol

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