Brothers Campfire Like Button

Hello Friends!

Seriously, hello!

I started my day quite pleasantly. Gerry O’Brien, the world renowned master photographer, noticed that I did not have a like button on my site and recommended that I put one there.

I contacted Herb Thiel who builds websites and asked him for assistance.

Before I had eaten my Burger King this morning I had a like bar installed.

Not Yesterday’s Royal Fare! It was still good though.
I had to get an oil change before work.

Thank you Gerry O’Brien and Herb Thiel! You are the heros of my ongoing tale today!

Be sure and check out both sites and smash a few likes for them! I am sure they like subscribers!

No Paper Crown For Them Today! Give them the royal honor of subscription!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

33 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Like Button

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    For some reason, I stopped getting emailed when you post something, which makes it hard to read your posts. 🙁

          1. Benjamin says:

            You are listed as subscribed. I used another email to see if it is working. I will check when I post later on.

            Thank you for the heads up!

          2. Lydia Potter says:

            Ok. No problem. I just noticed I hadn’t been getting notified about them, but when I went to your site, you had posted. You’re one of my favorite writers and i don’t want to miss anything!

          3. Benjamin says:

            I just posted something. I will check and see if I get a notification. Sometimes it takes a while.

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