Brothers Campfire Cheap Sunglasses

Hello friends!

I had a wonderful egg breakfast this morning that I would like to share!

Well, I can’t really share. I ate it.

It was delicious! A little sriracha sauce contributed to the flavor and presentation. It was definitely a do again!

The day started well. I tried on my new sunglasses and left for work.

I really like them. Typically, I buy them at the dollar store, but I found a 10 dollar pair at Wal-Mart and splurged.

Let me know in the comments below what you think about my new shades!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

26 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Cheap Sunglasses

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Cassa Bassa! I wear sunglasses until they break. I try to be frugal!☺

        1. Benjamin says:

          Absolutely! Practical application of tools and extending thier use through preventive maintenance is paramount to any effective operation!

  1. A.S. says:

    Looks delicious 😋😋
    Cool shades 😎👍👌 🙂

      1. A.S. says:

        You’re most welcome 😊 have a great weekend!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, I avoid stealing chickens. It’s against policy in my profession. That was indeed a tasty batch of eggs!

    2. herbthiel says:

      My dad used to say, “He’s a good egg. Ho don’t steal chickens.”

  2. Lia says:

    Drool. That breakfast! 😍 The sunnies are perrfick. 😎👌I love a good deal myself. This post truly made me smile. 😊☀️

    1. Benjamin says:

      I enjoyed the breakfast, Lia! Indeed they were! It is an honor for a poet of your caliber to visit our Campfire! Do stop by more often!😊

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was a noteworthy omelet, Michael Steven Wills! I was most assuredly greatful for it.
      Your blog is noteworthy and your photography tasteful, evoking emotion and depth. You are an excellent photographer friend!

  3. herbthiel says:

    Whoa! Last of the big time spenders! Well, I did splurge one time and paid $5 for a pair. lolololol

  4. Kristian Weigman says:

    Sunglasses look great! I need to break down and buy myself a pair of prescription sunglasses.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Your comment has been updated. Kristian Weigman’s comments are impeccable! Have a great day!

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