Brother’s Campfire -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 157

Benjamin, Brother's Campfire

Brother’s Campfire 2/29/2020

Brother rose early and added dry grass to the Campfire. He gently blew on the embers to no avail. Taking off his hat, he fanned the fire and it began to smoke, and a small flame arose. Steadily, kindling was added and the fire was revived. 

The Campfire

His percolator was a prized possession, a gift from his wife, Netty. 

It made the best coffee, dark and bitter. he poured a cup and contemplated.

Bitter as Jeptha the Beast

His two children, Hannah and Caydon attended the school founded by the Man with the Shepherd’s Crook. They were adjusting well.

 Nicholas of the 16 had a solid handle on his men and was recruiting new soldiers on a regular basis. Brother applauded him for acting swiftly when a Heron raid was discovered. Nicholas’ show of force squashed that idea. 

Nicholas, not a man to trifle with.

Theodore, the Chemist, had been of great value. His PH paper helped them make soap less abrasive to the skin and he developed a new method for processing Pequin hides.

Theodore the Chemist

Brother’s thoughts drifted to the Heron.

Word was out that because Jeptha had left Northwich there would be tension. Many of the Heron revered him, but he was not in the equation for political leverage.

Jeptha Berengar, The Beast

Ahusaka, a leader among them had not been to the Campfire recently and Wispy Sapling’s husband appeared to be calling the shots.

Artistic rendering of Ahusaka, Leader of the Heron Tribe

Apparently, he was not a fan of Northwich. Vigilance was required.

The Village of Northwich had grown in the recent months. Enforcing the rules had become a pressing matter recently. 

He had expelled the man selling dangerous substances and would be expelling more soon. 

It pained Brother inside to enact such measures, but the prospect of facing a scambaiter troll maintained order in the harshness of the land.

The Heron unleashed a Scambaiter Troll upon this evildoer. Brother is considering implementation of this method to maintain order in Northwich.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

5 thoughts on “Brother’s Campfire -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 157

    1. Benjamin says:

      I wish I could trek like you! Thank you for the compliment! I appreciate you stopping by, Friend!

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