Brothers Campfire Gives A Few Thank Yous

Hello friends!

Under restricted movement, we have had some of the yummiest food ever! This is how I was fed yesterday. 

A whole goose egg is a meal in itself. Thank you beloved.

Great Texture And Wonderful Flavor!

The best homemade sandwiches in the world

Brown rice with chicken and vegetables

Like a Rice Pot Pie!

Peach Strawberry Blueberry Cobbler with Butter Pecan Ice Cream!

Most Of The Ingredients Were From The Dollar Store!

Thank you Beloved!

In other news, over 800 people have gathered around the Campfire. Thank you!

This Guy Is A Nomad!
I know a little about Campfire. Gather Round And Hear A Tale!

In addition, this is the first month I have ever reached 10,000 views! Thank you as well, Friends!

Wow! Thank you for investing in me. You are the kindest!

I have been playing a GPS Game that is low impact on precious time and would like to thank Geo Realms Team Texas for inviting me into the Family. Everything is Big in Texas!

I’ve been sent to spread the message. God Bless Texas!
Walkimg, I Have Conquered 287 Castles!

Team Texas

They Go Big Or Go Home!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

99 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Gives A Few Thank Yous

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You Lydia! Did you know you are so amazing I made a village named Khofi Springs at your request?

        1. Benjamin says:

          I want you to tell me all the things that are in Khofi town as well as the population when you get the chance.

  1. Ishaan Sharma says:

    Shouldn’t you join team Coloradio?
    Anyway, congratulations on 800 followers and the views.

        1. Benjamin says:

          It is on it’s way! I do have a few lifestyle blogs in between.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Guess I will have to wait then.
            Is the US on lockdown?
            If yes, how are you playing geoRealms?

          2. Benjamin says:

            Sort of. We are asked to follow guidlines and we try to help eachother.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Wow. The authorities in the US have a similar approach to yours, but perhaps a different implementation.

          4. Ishaan Sharma says:

            India might remain relatively unscathed compared to the other nations, if the lockdown is fully implemented. We just crossed 1000 cases yesterday. But the growth is slowing down as the fifth day of lockdown ends.

          5. Benjamin says:

            Only if you want. I would like to know the population as well. Somwhere under 1000. You can pick your spot as well. I will give it an eastern look

          6. Ishaan Sharma says:

            The name could be Vijaypura (means town of victory in sanskrit), population of 1008.

            I wonder what Eastern look in your perspective is? People hold many inaccurate notions of India. I can suggest a position after taking a look at your map

          7. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Place it under one of the hills to the north of northwich. If possible, make a cave inside the hill where saints meditate.

          8. Benjamin says:

            You have seen the templates on Inkarnate. I would use the style you like.

          9. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Maybe add a huge temple at the centre. One huge house belonging to the sarpanch (Head of village). Houses in clusters. Huge farms. Cows and buffalloes kept for milk(not eaten). Some hens. Other than that, few animals are kept, since Indians have predominantly vegetarian diets. A pond, and a huge banyan tree under which meetings are held.

          10. Benjamin says:

            So, I like your idea, but I will need to place it somewhere else. Is that ok?

          11. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Yeah sure.
            Also one more thing, I suggest making a small school called ‘gurukul’ where children get training in all walks of life and are taught the ancient scriptures.

            It is your story, and I am just giving suggestions, so it is completely your decision how you implement it.

          12. Ishaan Sharma says:

            It is difficult in a country like India to walk around whilst avoiding other people.
            The world’s second largest population in the 7th largest nation is just too much.

          13. Benjamin says:

            There are many peoples in the great country of India! I would like to visit sometime!

          14. Benjamin says:

            Indeed. I would need to learn the culture. I bet there are many different things to learn.

          15. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Many many things to learn.
            But make sure you have some indian contacts and have researched well.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Deepak! We eat simply, and with cost saving in mind while trying to maintain health. Thank you for the compliments! What is your favorite food?

      1. Deepak Singh says:

        After 2000, I became vegetarian. It’s hard to say, what I like most? Maybe, mix vegetables, with tomato sauce. Thanks for the visit.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Vegetables are good! I have my spring crop in the ground here in colorful Colorado!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Friend, would you be willing to google search Brothers Campfire and tell me what page I am on?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Indeed! My Beloved can make food frugally and fascinatingly!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hey Linda, would you do me a favor and google Brothers Campfire? I am curious to know what page I am on in Canada.

      1. lindacrampton7495 says:

        Hi, Benjamin. Your site came up as the first entry, even on a device on which I’m not logged in on any website.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Way cool! Thank you so much for that. When other countries search, it broadens my visibility. You are amazing, friend.

  2. leendadll says:

    You’re eating better in isolation than I eat at a restaurant!! I gave up cooking long ago… the effort wasn’t worth it for me. Yesterday my meals were: jerky, grape nuts, some melon, and peanuts.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, you can always go back to cooking if you get bored! I agree, we seldom go out to eat unless we can get something pretty spectacular!

      1. leendadll says:

        I have almost no prep space, only 1 working burner, and a toaster oven. About the fanciest I get now is a quiche.

          1. leendadll says:

            It changes frequently but I think I’ll say eggs benedict. I haven’t had them in well over 2 years. i tried to get them at a brunch last year but they had sold out already.

          2. leendadll says:

            I like eggs any style. I usually tell wait staff I want them “surprise me” style.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am grateful you are here! Thank you for the compliments! Do you drink coffee? Tea?

        1. Benjamin says:

          Here! 🍵 be sure to check put my April Fools post again if you have not already! I updated it.

  3. A.S. says:

    Finger licking good 😋😍. Lucky you, Ben! That cobbler with ice cream has me drooling 😍.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! We got everything super cheap. I really enjoyed it , Friend!

      1. A.S. says:

        The cost hardly matters when things look this fancy and you can see the love invested in making it!
        Cheers 🙂

        1. Benjamin says:

          Thank you A.S.! I bring the cost up due to some hilarious accusations that I am wealthy. That is simply not true. What is true is investing in those you love is the greatest wealth! Thank you for your kindness, friend!

          1. A.S. says:

            Very well said, Ben! Warmth of loved ones is ❤️
            Anytime 😊

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