Brothers Campfire asks…Will You Go To Church With Me On Sunday?

Hello Friends! 

After 5 days away, I am returning to work. I feel like I let my team down, but it was for the best to ensure there were no icky sore throats passed on and appropriate check ups were done.

I cannot stress the importance of following local guidelines that officials place in your area. 

One of the ways we have followed the local guidelines on our church is by having a service in our cars with the appropriate spacing for social distancing. If you would like to see how we have had church, you can read about it at Herb Thiel’s site.

So, this is my invitation. At 1000 hours, Mountain Standard Time, there will be a live stream service at Heritage Pentecostal Church.

An alternative site is Heritage. They both lead to the streaming.

I think you will really enjoy the service. 

With Earphones Of Course.
You Can Get A Heart Check Up If You Listen!

Dressing up for Easter is something we do every year. My Beloved has been making face masks for the community and made a custom one to match the occasion.

A new accessory for Easter!

I will be making this invitation again but wanted to give you the time to plan and put this on your schedule. I look forward to the feedback about the service on Sunday!!!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

20 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire asks…Will You Go To Church With Me On Sunday?

          1. Benjamin says:

            We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. The service will provide a lot of insight. It will be late at night for you.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! You as well! What are you doing to pass the time while we hunker down?

  1. Lydia Potter says:

    It’s easy for me to “forget” about Easter if I haven’t been to church to hear about it.
    Thanks for the invite.
    Super neat masks.

    1. Benjamin says:

      10 AM Mountain Standard Time. April 12, 2020 The service is for you and me!

    1. Benjamin says:

      10 AM Mountain Standard Time on April 12th. Click the listen link!

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