Brothers Campfire Face Mask Update

Hello Friends!

As you may know, my Beloved is making face masks for the local doctor’s offices as requested by our pastor and local government.

This is my Beloved!

Doesn’t she look stunning?

The reason for this post is to let you know she will be posting a tutorial for how to make a face masks in detail to assist others who are willing to manufacture them.

You can use the template as you see fit.

Stay Tuned and and have a blessed day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

21 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Face Mask Update

    1. Benjamin says:

      Will do! Fyi, you have a few comments caught as spam. When I have the opportunity, I will free them and respond!

        1. Benjamin says:

          She has been working hard to provide. Them for doctor’s offices.

          1. Neha nandwana says:

            It’s highly commendable deed 🙏🙏 wishes and love from my side for doing such a divine work 💐💐

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