Brothers Campfire Asks.. Where Is The snow?

I am Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire.

First off, you all are the most welcoming and supportive people on the planet. I appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to extend themselves in connection and conversation.

Thank you!

Spencer McKee, Director of Content and Operations at the great Out There Colorado is an all-around mountain man, a hiker, trail runner, and rock climber, with over half of Colorado’s fourteeners under his belt.

With all those accomplished hobbies, perhaps he can predict the weather as well. He posts regularly on the subject.

In summary he states,

“Will this next wave of snow barely hit Colorado or could a shift happen between now and then? We’ll have to wait and see.” Source

I get Spencer McKees’s posts in my Google News feed. I have great expectations of his forecasts to guide me in outdoor persuits.

Please, Spencer, let it be so! I have waited 2 months for this to be true!

Haha, well, anyway, it is hard to drive to work when it snows.

Work has been an interesting experience over the past 6 months. I have learned a lot and have an evaluation tomorrow. Wish me well.

I have done everything from scheduling a live band to ordering a buffalo skull or overseeing notifications for the death of a loved one by volunteer chaplains. It is quite a in depth job where my priorities are different by the day.

Well, that’s all I have for now. Have a beautiful day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

53 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Asks.. Where Is The snow?

  1. kagould17 says:

    Our snow started today and more is expected over next two days…maybe 15 cm (6 inches). OK, now that is over, all that is left is the shovelling. Cheers. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      I know, right? There should be a dinosaur rental company in every city!

  2. Greg Taniguchi says:

    I’m not looking forward to snow in Denver. I was out today on my bike, but I have not done my usual 13 mile ride.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I 25 gets a little treacherous as well. Perhaps I should be careful what I wish for! Excellent and commendable riding distance! The weather is still good for it!

  3. Lookoom says:

    I wish you well for the evaluation! I lost it, is this a test on shovelling snow?

    1. Benjamin says:

      I forgot that shoveling snow is real, not just something a dinosaur does in a GIF

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Cassa Bassa. You are always so thoughtful in your comments. I appreciate your kind words! 🤠🔥

  4. Petra says:

    We haven’t had any snow yet either, it’s sad

  5. believe4147 says:

    I do hope your evaluation goes well. They can be nerve-wracking. But if you have done your best, you’ve done your best.

    1. Benjamin says:

      It wasn’t too shabby! I have done my best, but it is a new position!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hello Priti! Unfortunately, no, not yet! I am still waiting for it!

      1. Priti says:

        You are lucky enough can see snow but we are not so fortunate.😄😄

          1. Benjamin says:

            It is wonderful talking to you, Priti! Please feel free to stop by the Campfire at any time! 🤠🔥

          2. Priti says:

            Thank you. ☺🌹feeling happy.☺🌹stay blessed 💓☺Priti from India

    1. Benjamin says:

      I should have waited to blow out the sprinklers for sure! Hello from Colorado Springs!

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