Brothers Campfire Under The Weather

Friends, I am sick.

The Haze Is Real. Well, at least to me it is.

A bowl of seasoned noodles was about all I cared to eat.

It was good!

I will be sleeping most of the day. I do have a post I would like to present later, but we will see!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

62 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Under The Weather

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Kristian Weigman! I am feeling so cold. The noodles warmed me a little! Have a great day and be sure to wash your hands. I might be contagious.

      1. kristianw84 says:

        I wash my hands often, it’s a habit I picked up from my days in the medical field. Thank you!! Get lots of rest and plenty of fluids. 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am hurrying! 😷 Thank you for your concern. I hope and pray your ears get better!

      1. leendadll says:

        Thanks! My hearing returned for several hours but then disappeared a few again. I’m sure it’s just a matter of my body adjusting to the med.

  1. A.S. says:

    Oh shoot! I hope you get well soon. Take rest, dear.

  2. gifted50 says:

    Sorry to hear that, lots of fluids, keep some by you and sip often and rest.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am drinking lots of tea.
      I sent a response to your last poem. I hope you got it!

      1. YouLittleCharmer says:

        I did thank you…
        But I ended up (unrelatedly) having to delete that poem and repost with a different title so was unable to reply…
        But there was nothing wrong with your photo! 😁🖤

          1. YouLittleCharmer says:

            Keep drinking that tea and I’m sure you’ll be back around the campfire soon enough 👍🖤

  3. Kim Smyth says:

    Please get well soon, and if I may be so bold-I’d rather see you eating bone broth or any broth than ramen. 🤮
    Thanks for visiting my blog, check out my other one at 🤗

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Kim Smyth! I respect the bold! We used our bone broth from the Thanksgiving turkeys recently. You are absolutely right! I will check out your blog soon! Is that hard to manage?

      1. Kim Smyth says:

        What, my blog? No sir, but then again, I only work part time. 😊

  4. Sara Altaf Khan says:

    Wish you quick recovery. I wont charge you a emergency room doc fees so free advice: drink plenty of water, take tylenol, Ibuprofen, and chicken soup (antiviral in nature). Most important is to take some rest.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Chris. Today was worse than yesterday. Hopefully I am on the mend.

      1. Chris says:

        I hope today was better and on your way to recovery.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you friend! I have a very busy day tommorow so I am resting!

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