Brothers Campfire Blogger Recognition Award!


Hello friends! Sara Altaf Khan from Myths- Facts Journal nominated me for the Blogger Recognition Award!

Sara Altaf Khan pushes through her health concerns and delivers incredible stories that are individually wrapped pieces of dark, rich chocolate. It’s a surprise every post! 

Dark, Somewhat Bitter, Delectable!

Sara Altaf Khan is in my thoughts and prayers. She works hard to support her children after a car accident has made things very difficult.

It takes strength and courage to raise kids.

I met Sarah 17 days ago when she subscribed to me. She did not know that is my favorite number so that makes this exceptionally nice!

One of Sarah’s recent writings spoke in depths yet unconsidered for me.

Incomplete Graveyard 

Sarah, I was touched when I read about your children’s desire for a border collie. I had a good friend growing up of like breed. They have excellent taste, Sarah. I know where they got it from!

Sarah, I appreciate your nomination and look forward to reading your site as you post more!

Lets Give a Round of Applause to Sarah!!!


1. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select up to fifteen bloggers you want to give this award to.

6. Comment on each blog to let them know that you’ve nominated them, and provide a link to the post you’ve created.


Brothers’ Campfire began in a forum for an online game I used to play. I used the tagline, “to all ranks and stations, a poem for your donations.”

In game cash flowed and The Bard was born. I had a running joke on the same forum about an animal control officer and lo and behold, The Beast.

The poems and rage needed a control and The Brother started laying down the law.

I moved on from the game and discovered that keeping a journal in this manner was therapeutic. I could restructure things that really concerned me and it did not matter who read what I wrote as it was not specific to real life events.

You, my friend can influence my ongoing story by contacting me. 


I have been blogging for only a few months. I would recommend having a routine and writing even when uninspired to make writing a habit.

#3 sometime you can take your own advice and ignore the voices of haters. Boo that fear!


1.Herb Thiel is a thoughtful blogger who has been in the business for well over a decade and has recently discovered WordPress as a method to present his well rounded thoughts. 

In several instances, (Many)he has assisted me in the finer points of self hosting. His rates are very reasonable and his words are free. Be sure to give him a shout out on his blog!

Thank you Herb Thiel and congratulations!

2.Ellie894 can create meaningful poetry and prose second to none. I would not be surprised if she is secretly a published author. Little Tree is a work she wrote in a very small time frame in response to a comment. Check it out!

3.Bon Repos Gites writings of lore and fantastic happenings concretes my strong sentiment that laundry has a place in fiction, right up there with the Enterprise, phasers, and laser beam swords. I even learned about Christmas Traditions!

4.Authentic Japan os the authority on all things Japanese! If you plan on culture immersion in a step by step format, this is the site for you!

 Thank you Sara Altaf Khan for the kind words and nomination!

Thank you Sarah! You made my day!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

27 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Blogger Recognition Award!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Lydia! Conifer trees should be a wonder of the world! The needles make a tasty tea that has high levels of vitamin c!

  1. ellie894 says:

    Benjamin, I’m so pleased you received this award. You are so deserving as you have been enormously kind and friendly to All here! You are a great builder of community. I’m touched deeply by your generous thoughts on my writing. Thank you so very much for them and for the lovely award. 😊🌷

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You Rekha Sahay! I was reading you poetry a few minutes ago!

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