Brothers Campfire Turning The Tables On A Somber Saturday, Solidly

Hi. Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

Sometimes, the day is just awful and things fail to go your way. Sometimes, you just have to work with the resources you have available.

Today was one of those days.

Big plans were in store for my daughter’s 16th birthday. Several dozen friends and thier families, a Brother’s Campfire size BBQ, fireworks, a pinata, music, you know, the whole 27 feet, 8.23 meters, or 9 yards.

Wow, that is a lot of math. Who comes up with these idioms anyway? We will have more on that later.

Well, at least the math part.

Anyway, due to the lock down, we had to really scale things back. It was time to turn the tables on the day.

My Beloved and I woke early on the morning and began blowing up baloons. Seriously, I think we were created with the ability to accomplish some absurd tasks.

We decided to baricade our daughter in her room. Oh, was she in for a surprise!

I made a pot of coffee and went back to writing the Ongoing Tale about Ashton.

The waiting was just as fun as the event. Here it is.

All that work made us hungry and we ate this sinfully delectable butterbraid to gather our strength.

Satiated, we went about our daily chores. I found the ice in the duck pond was rather thick today.

Lunch was my daughter’s choice and she chose well. I love chinese take out!

Her fortune cookie simply stated, “made in the USA.” We had a good laugh as it is technically true.

Mine, well… It was empty. As we lost my daughter’s strip of paper, there were suspicions that I consumed it and left the cookies.

We got bored and did what any member of Brother’s Campfire might do. We built a fire.

This fire was special as my daughter asked to burn her school work for her birthday. Obviously, we can’t do that so we made photo copies of the covers and glued them to coloring books.

I hear this is called costume play, but we had a blast pretending regardless of what it is.

No real schoolbooks harmed

We are not big cake eaters, so for celebration, my Beloved opted for a tart cherry pie. It was delicious!

We were together. We were family. Sure, we did some quirky things, but they were memories. Our memories. Sometimes you just gotta turn the tables on the situation.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

71 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Turning The Tables On A Somber Saturday, Solidly

  1. herbthiel says:

    You did well turning the tables. The math book burning was really great.

  2. leendadll says:

    But she still got her obligatory pink corvette, right?!?

    Man, that’s so 80s. What car do kids wish for these days?? Do they even wish for cars??

    1. Benjamin says:

      My daughter was gifted a piano for her birthday. She wished for friends and family to be there.

      1. leendadll says:

        I was grounded for a month, a week before my 16th for missing a curfew I’d never been told I had by 15min.

        No celebration. But there was never one planned to start with.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Bummer. We can throw you a party if you wish. Is your name Leenda?

          1. leendadll says:

            Lol!! Thanks. My 26th more than made up for it!

            Leenda is my older “social name”. I now go by “Bubbles”.

          2. leendadll says:

            Not so much exciting as spent with the person I’ve loved the most in this life. He made it a special day, geared to my likes, and gave me a present I adored (and still have). It was a day focused on making me happy, by someone who genuinely understood me.

  3. seankfletcher says:

    Wonderful to see, Benjamin – thank you for sharing how you went about your daughter’s birthday. I’m with you re the cake. Give me an apple pie any day 😉

    1. Benjamin says:

      Blast! Oops! That’s what typing with thumbs on a phone gets you!

          1. hcmorris77 says:

            I’m good, staying warm by the wood stove! Starting to get Christmas decorations out. How are you?

          2. Benjamin says:

            So, we decorated yesterday! It was a lot of fun! My fire is outside, so I envy you!

          3. hcmorris77 says:

            It’s a good bit of work, but worth it.
            It takes me a good week – or more – to decorate, depending on how into it I get. If I put the train/Christmas garden up it takes me longer. I’ll probably set it us next year. This year will be the silver tree with a color wheel and a small table top Christmas tree. I’ll be showing pics or video!

          4. Benjamin says:

            I can’t wait to see it. Your photography is amazing! 🤠🔥 My dad likes trains.

          5. hcmorris77 says:

            He would love this…it was my mom’s first Christmas present, from 1945. It whistles, blows smoke, and as far as I know still works. My grandfather – her dad – made all the houses and one church that make up the town (we have a plastic one as well that is from my childhood), the houses light up from the inside. Just setting that up takes a day!

          6. Benjamin says:

            I think I would like it as well. Some traditions are tedious though! Sounds like a lot of work!


  4. kagould17 says:

    Love the balloon surprise and hope your daughter did too. We ll have to do what we can to make a special day, these days and you certainly did. I am with you on your pie choice. Nothing beats a sour cherry pie, except maybe any pie ending in pie. Glad you found a way to celebrate. Stay well. Allan

    1. Benjamin says:

      I love pie. I love celebrating as well! Thank you for stopping by Mr. Allan!

    1. Benjamin says:

      I agree! Due to the lockdown we will attend services online today. Living well indeed!

  5. Beverly says:

    Bravo to you all for making the best of the situation! I am quite certain she will look back on her 16th birthday and remember the love and devotion poured out to her and will always treasure those memories, vividly. That cannot always be said of other sweet 16 birthdays…

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you Auntie Beverly!
      Good, wholesome memories are the most important. Who wants to look back at a life of regrets and poor choices? In many ways we all have made them, but it is nice to mitigate what we can as parents.

      Thank you for dropping by today!

      1. Beverly says:

        You’re welcome, nephew!

        Amen, the most important memories are wholesome! My middle daughter was invited to a 10 year old’s birthday party in California. It involved a limousine picking up the guests and other ridiculous things. I bet none of the girls remembered it including the birthday girl because they tried to out top it with something else. That will not be the case with your amazing daughter!!

        I agree on all points. We do our best to mitigate what we can as parents.

  6. gifted50 says:

    What a delightful tale…I love the balloon barricade. Your stories are a delight.

          1. gifted50 says:

            Was supposed to be in partnership with someone, but I decided not to go forward.

          2. Benjamin says:

            I see. Well, if you ever want an interesting spin on what you are selling, I will spin it into the Ongoing Tale. No catches, just for fun. You deserve it.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Absolutely. I wonder, just wonder how I could spin a shower cap into it.

    1. Benjamin says:

      We turn our hardest times into little charming moments in any way we can!

  7. achme24gmailcom says:

    That’s beautiful

    1. Benjamin says:

      She is doing well. Thank you for your concern. It is much appreciated.

  8. Omatra7 says:

    Happy Birthday 🥳 to your daughter!! That balloon door 🎈 is soooo sweet!! What a great and fun idea!!

    Sounds like you did make good memories and smiles ❤️✌️

  9. Petra says:

    Looks like you made the best of the situation. The door baloon thing is an awesome idea

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