Steve’s Country Comes Collaborating Brothers Campfire

Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

My Beloved and I

I am excited to inform you that Steve McLeod from is a new contributing author at the fire!

His tagline reads,

“for a smile as wide as a country sunrise”

And he lives up to it!

Steve is an avid coffee drinker, poet, and photographer AND he loves cats.

What more needs to be said?

His post is already written and this post serves as an introduction. We will see it soon!

I look forward to working with Steve from and I recommend you check out his amazing site and subscribe.

Moving on to my day, this Sunday morning was spent preparing for online church services. Our congregation is looking to be responsible during this epidemic and we do not wish to raise the risk of exposure after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Prior to service, we straightened up the living room and dressed for the occasion in our Sunday best. We feel it is important to participate to the fullest despite not being able to attend in person. If you are interested in attending with me online, here is a link.

After service, work clothing was more in order and I went to clean the garage. Mystery of mysteries, my compressor hose was broken and no one knows how it happened.

Strange. Small repair, no biggie.

Even stranger today are my ducks. I feed these little critters a LOT of food inasmuch as there are always leftovers in the morning.

They have taken to eating the charcoal and ashes from my firepit. Elusive, they wont let me photograph it but I came close. I wonder if there are micro nutrients in there that tickle their fancy.

A Proper Ducky Queue

After a delicious meal of Totino’s Pizza, we began decorating the living room for the Christmas season.

All told, it wasn’t a bad day. We started off on the right foot!

A new friend, a compressor mend, ash eating queued ducks, and pizza for a couple bucks and I didn’t even bat an eye!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

24 thoughts on “Steve’s Country Comes Collaborating Brothers Campfire

  1. stevescountry says:

    Hey Benjamin! Thanks for the great intro and the welcome to your campfire!😀😺

    1. Benjamin says:

      Absolutely! It is an honor and privilege to have you! You will be posted first thing Monday morning!🤠🔥🍁

    1. Benjamin says:

      Back in the day, they were circles. Now they are rectangular and taste different as a result.

      1. dumbestblogger says:

        Difficult to find a good supply source for circular cardboard. The Totino lady managed to get her name on the fine arts center at my college. I spent a lot of time there, once upon a time.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I would have spent a lot of time with the Totinos lady as well. Think of the free pizzas you would get.

        2. Benjamin says:

          I find this tough to understand. Cardboard comes from trees, right? Well, trees are not rectangular.

          1. dumbestblogger says:

            It’s one of the great mysteries of modern manufacturing. Kinda makes you want to work in a cardboard factory so you can figure out what’s going on, doesn’t it?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I mean, how hard could it be to turn a tree into pulp where it stands?
            Then you can slice the cardboard in pre grown circles. 🌳

            I..will revolutionize the industry. Thank you for the encouragement!

  2. achme24gmailcom says:

    The best days ever full of fun, adventure, and blessings.

  3. hcmorris77 says:

    they say a little charcoal is good for the gut once in a while…
    maybe it’s good for ducks too 🙂

    1. Benjamin says:

      Could be! Thos morning a sparrow was in the ashes doing the same thing.

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