Brothers Campfire The Journal of Jeptha -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 146

Message from the Storyteller. If you don’t like it, please stop reading it. Jeptha the Beast is dark. It is not for everyone. Thanks for understanding. I do welcome comments and thoughts on this writing.

Just Keeping An Eye Out.
No Need To Lash Out. Smell What I am Cooking?

Tasty morsels. Beast Hurts. Beast always hurts.
Try hard to be Jeptha and not Beast.

Jeptha Berengar, Known as Beast to some.

I ran to Silverfinch.

Men of Silverfinch do not help me. I scared them Before. I HURT NONE. I CAUGHT FOUR OF THEM AND TOLD THEM TO SCREAM when I broke branches or I would BREAK THEIR BONES. They Screamed.

Weak, mean little men. Hateful.
I write in Journal. My writing is hard. I have strong and weak moments. My writing is dark.
I get help to WRITE JOURNAL today.

Journal, I write about love lost.

They called you monkey face.
When I saw you, I was overcome by your beauty. You are not “monkey face”, I said, “you are the woman of night visions.”
You were precious and valuable. You were a treasure.I thought about you day and night without rest. I am Beast. This is no feat for the Beast. I set out to be everything I could for you. We went on many adventures. We found new places.

We found the wild creatures.

We skipped stones in the creek.
You trusted me enough to strike pottery off your head with a branch. I didn’t do it.
The Beast eats the flesh of predator. The Beast will not risk hurting love. We talked, we laughed, we ate food together. We had good times alone.
We took long walks together.
I walked many miles to see you.I am Beast. I am not weak like the others.
Miles have no meaning to the Beast. I speak of this because it means much to others.
We experienced the joy of sweet food up the nose when we missed our mouths.

You made the Beast smile. He was completed.
These were times that are fading as the moon phases. I felt complete with you, and never wanted to be away from you.

Every part of me belonged to you. Alone with you things were good, around everyone else You were ashamed of me. I am the Beast. I am unsightly. I am marred. You did not want my affection in front of others. I am Beast.
You did not like the growths appearing on my on my body. I disgusted you.
They could not remove them .
I wanted to please you. I removed them one by one with a crude implements and cried sorrow. I bled, but I am strong. I am Beast.
The growths were deeply embedded in my skin. I removed them. You did not like the growth on my nose. You thought it would turn into a hideous creature of it’s own.

I became disgusting to you.
I removed the growth from my nose It bled and did not heal properly.
It grew back lighter.

You Were Right. I Killed It. It Died And Never Came Back.

I did not care, I wanted you to love me.
You needed more. Always more.
You wanted more.
I committed myself to your happiness at any cost.
You were ashamed of me. I craved your affection.
I would have mutilated any part of myself to please you; I already had.
You gave me just enough hope to think there was a chance.You did not give me one. You rejected me every time someone else was around.

You came into trouble.

A young man wrestled with you to dominate you. I roughed him up harshly. I am Beast.
You were angered. You said I overreacted.
I fought for honor.
When the dark one pulled your skirt close and you told me,I did not want to over react.
You called me weak when I told the elders and did not fight him.

I remembered that you said I was weak. The Beast is fearless of battle. He is not weak. Later, the dark one saw things my way.


The Beast is fierce. The dark one fears me to this day. I respected your body more than life itself. You were to be honored.
Anyone who misused my love would pay and fear.
You gave me hope for a wedding.

Work was hard to find. I saved many months wages.
You rejected me. No reason was given.

I knew….I am Beast … I am hideous…

I begged you.I begged in front of everyone.
I plead with you, “please don’t throw that away.”
The Beast begged you.
The Beast was broken. You said, “don’t talk to me ever again.”
Months passed. The Beast walked all the paths we had walked by alone now and mourned for a long time.


The Beast made promises he couldn’t keep.
I hurt myself.
I have honored your request to never speak to you again for many years.
When our eyes met in Silverfinch, I re-lived the pain of our parting.
You came with your friend who has always hated me. You wanted to touch me.You had never touched me.


You wanted to speak of other times. I gave our wedding money to pay for a funeral. Those times are ended.

The Beast.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

19 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire The Journal of Jeptha -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 146

    1. Benjamin says:

      In my story, he is a man with a horrible affliction. He was abused and bitten by unsavory creatures.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I agree, Nadia. In the story, he has a support group. He still feels quite isolated. If you pretend, you can say something to him in the comments. Give it a try! He may not be as scary as you think.

  1. Kelly K Green says:

    I have seen your reflection
    And am not afraid. You are designed for great many things.
    Run fast, run wild, run free.
    Eat the bad creatures
    Punch a pequin for me. 🙂

    The Gypsy Romanchal

    1. Benjamin says:

      WHERE YOU COME FROM, GYPSY? I NOT HEAR YOU APPROACH. I am yelling. Sorry about manners. I am Beast. You are Gypsy. I eat the pequin.

      It is nice when pretty little one not fear BEAST ugly.

      I LIKE SONG, LITTLE GYPSY. It is late. I see you home. Many brigands.

      I am Beast

  2. Kelly K Green says:

    One day I may play you the song of my people, Jeptha. We are travlers from lands beyond maps of La Longi, brother can show you.

    Shhh… Do you hear that?

    It is the sound of fire doused. Night falls.
    Time to go.

    The Gypsy Romanchal

    1. Benjamin says:

      Beautiful Post, friend! Well Deserved! You are indeed a Real Neat Blogger!

      1. sunipukadiyil says:

        Thank you for reading and commenting friend ! 👌 I am very much happy for your encouraging words and appreciation !! 😊 🌹 🤗

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