Brothers Campfire exclaims…The Gall! Forksticks and Chopforks.

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here.

I was a little perplexed on my daughter’s birthday on how to use the utensils at the establishment.

I think my buddy Jeff was as well.

I was given the appropriate tools for the occasion and was able to enjoy my meal to the fullest. And full I got.

Jello with chopsticks

I enjoy using chopsticks and consider myself a near expert, putting me in an elite demographic of Americans. Source

I had been proud of my prowess for a long time until reality hit. Nearly one-third of the world’s population uses chopsticks every day.

Here’s to my “expert” status.

I love to eat. I am a decent baker and a good cook. For about a decade, I supervised a prison kitchen with varying levels of responsibility.

I am passionate about food and know quite a bit about running an operation.

Trying everyone else’s food is my favorite part about the food service experience.

Lately, caution has been thrown to the wind with all these holiday festivities. Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving leftovers, birthday parties, and unhealthy helpings.

My body without a gall bladder is a little less enthusiastic about all this eating.

It reminded me today that I had better slow down and eat moderately if I want digestion to occur.

It cost me a day of work. Fortunately, my supervisor is amazing.

So what will I do today? At the moment, I am positioned near a porcelain throne to expel evil from the land and pass forth judgement.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

13 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire exclaims…The Gall! Forksticks and Chopforks.

  1. leendadll says:

    Interesting. Losing my gallbladder helped my digestion. It’s still a mess but a wee bit less than before.

      1. leendadll says:

        Well, I still suffer from the pain intermittently… turns out I also get bile duct stones. Who knew!?!?

          1. leendadll says:

            It’s extremely intermittent and now that I have a diagnosis I can take a med to reduce the pain and blockage.

            I completely forgot, till typing this, that “sludgy bile” might be the cause of my chronic ibsD.

  2. Geoff Stamper says:

    Chopsticks keep me from eating too much. I just cannot master the technique. Great photos!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! I think because it is literally 2 sticks, I can stay on task.

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