Klick Solar Questionable to Brothers Campfire

A representative from Klick Solar came by and left a brochure and wants a follow-up appointment.

The brochure is typical fluff; locally owned, no money down, industry leading, blah blah.

With Colorado hail storms an inevitable, I am grateful for a “bumper to bumper guarantee.

I love science and have done a lot of research on solar. I find the concept nifty, but as of the writing of this post, it is not yet cost justified without subsidies, and you need a somewhat costly storage system to be off the grid.

I canceled for two reasons, one I will focus on.

1. The salesman’s number was from Toledo, Ohio, immediately triggering my “oh, I thought you were local.” (Yes, I know that is irrational)

2. The Google Reviews.

Awful, right?

No. That is the cost of doing business with Google reviews. For all we know, the complaint may have been resolved and the customer did not update the review, or it did not happen as described.

With 2 total reviews, I can go either way.

Here is my concern. If you scroll up, the brochure is an image with Google and 5 stars beneath it. KlickSolar.com has a whopping 4.8 star review.

Of these 66 reviews, about 26 gave their first review on Google ever, raving about the business or those employed there. Many of these were answered by KlickSolar.com.

About 25 of the 26 reviews were a year ago and nearly all recieved a response. It would have been nice if JT above had gotten a response.

I am going to go out on a limb and lean towards some folks got together and had a five star review party to get the company up and running

Is there a market for this sort of thing? Absolutely. I had to dig to see that KlickSolar.com had a lot of first-time reviews.

Most will look at a 4.8 out of 5 rating and throw their money away so it has merit as a marketing strategy. The only problem is that you have to live up to it and look in the mirror every day.

I know, it is tough to care when you get all those sales leads.

Here is a funny example of an online service with 41 customer reviews. I know they weren’t doctored.


Well, KlickSolar.com, had you not put your 5 star rating on the brochure, I may have never given it any thought. I am glad I canceled our appointment.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

23 thoughts on “Klick Solar Questionable to Brothers Campfire

  1. leendadll says:

    My electric bill is too low to make solar a logical purchase. I tried to get it for free, via a low income option my neighbors used, but my roof is too old.

    I hope you find a reliable option!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks. I wasn’t in the market, but I was willing to entertain the idea without wasting time. I figure a little internet research would not only save me time, but give me some nifty blogg fodder.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I felt a little petty, but I may have saved a lot of drama down the road. I hope it raises awareness of reviews.

    1. Benjamin says:

      I like the idea as well, but the math does not work out to me yet.

  2. hcmorris77 says:

    We tried the wind/solar farm thing for a while, but my monthly electric cost was more than double. So, I cancelled it. The way my house is located/positioned, I could probably get paid for electricity, which might be worth it but I’m still leary of solar panels. We have so many trees around I could see a tree branch or actual tree going through it…then what? Putting one of those old timey type wind mills up and hooking it up to electric is an option, but I haven’t seriously or half seriously looked into it.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Hey, I am down for science and new options for energy. Typically, the solar panels you spend time paying for are not cost-justified.

      Both wind and solar are cool topics and I like the idea of experimenting.

      I am concerned that these guys likely faked review and are flakes, so I will pass this up.

  3. Ulfric Pendragon says:

    We live in an era of cellular. People are no longer forced to change their numbers when they move out of state. I have friends with numbers from all over the country. Even had a teammate with a German phone number, he did finally change that to a local one.

    Your concerns about solar tech itself are valid but less so every year. A good point was made about owning your power vs renting your power. Another good point is grid stability. The US is way behind on grid upgrades. Having a solar array and battery helps protect against that.

    Wind is terrible.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for your perspective. This company may have manipulated their google reviews. What are your thoughts on this?

  4. Trent Hardesty says:

    We post detailed 5 star reviews for any company and website. By placing our link on your page we get a lot of traffic. Thanks for your support

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  6. reviewinsta says:

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  7. Anonymous says:

    I’m terribly confused by this blog post/review. You are leaving a bad review about a company you didn’t meet with because, a) you really weren’t interested in solar and b) the person from the company was originally from Ohio? Really? I’m from Arizona but live in DC, so does that make me unable to work for my local company? Then you assume they bought their reviews or had a “review party” because nearly 30% of their reviews were from first-time reviewers? It might be nice for you to update your review. I just checked their reviews and now it’s showing 256 reviews and a 4.4 star rating. Wow! Can you imagine that “review party”? It must have been amazing! I hope I get invited to the next one!

      1. Benjamin says:

        and another review

        “Overall a terrible experience. The scheduler messed up several times and I stayed home from work only to have no tech show up. After my main panel upgrade, which I was told I wouldn’t need initially, I have lights that are flickering. I still have not had that resolved. Communication is slow and not very productive. There are plenty of solar companies out there. I would avoid Kick Solar as I am sure someone else is doing it better.”

    1. Benjamin says:

      Let me add a recent review statement

      “HOWEVER that being said they helped us get our solar loan with one of the shadiest lenders I’ve ever done business with, Good Leap. They are deceptive in how the loan payments are directed and all of your payment goes to interest unless you do a lump sum payment.

      Good Leap gives you invoicing after two months into owning the panels and doesn’t specify that you are accruing interest regardless of them not sending you invoicing. Every single bill we have paid since then has been to only interest and the invoice doesn’t specify that at all. If we hadn’t noticed that, we could have only paid interest every single month for the rest of the life of the loan.

      Outside of that Klick has been very responsive and friendly. It’s been beyond frustrating that we were directed to this slimy lender by Klick and has soured our experience with them.”

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