Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
Life is a culmination of a lot of things. Part of it is what you make of the things that come your way.
Homemade Belgian waffles came this morning in celebration of my daughter’s birth. They were lathered with peanut butter, Nutella, heavy whipping cream, and pancake syrup.

There is something special about eating that commemorates a moment. After church, we celebrated at an Asian buffet. The birthday girl seemed to thoroughly enjoy herself.

I had to overcome the utensils. They were a bit different than what I was accustomed to.

The waitstaff were amused and presented me with tools more fitting for my hands.

She will be 17 today. I am very proud of her!

It seems like just yesterday she was one pound 12 ounces and 13 inches long. How the time has flown!

ONE pound 12???? How early was she?!?!
Hippo birdie!
27 weeks
I will pass them on to her!
Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter, Ben! 💖💐🦋🎉🎂🎁
Thank you Cherie White! I will pass it on!
You’re most welcome. 😊
Very beautiful photos to view 🙏🌷Happy Birthday to your lovely Daughter
And grace wishes 🌷🎂🍫🎉
Thank you! I always enjoy hearing from you friend! I will share the love!
Thank you and so welcome 🌷🙏🌷
Happy Birthday to your daughter 🎂 🥳 🎉
Thank you! I will pass it on!
Happy Birthday to the miracle baby girl!
I will pass this on! Thank you!
Congratulations to your daughter for making it this far, that birth story in the previous post is horrendous. It’s beautiful because it all worked out, but it’s horrendous. I think I’ve said it before, but people really underestimate how dangerous such a natural thing as birth can be
I am grateful all went well!
Happy birthday to her! 🙂
Thank you! I will pass it on!
Happy birthday to your daughter. Looks like you did the celebration proud. Have a great week. Allan
We had a wonderful time, Allan! I will pass the birthday wishes on!
Happy birthday to her!! Forksticks? Chopforks?
Ha ha! I will pass the Birthday wishes on! Not sure on the utensils!
Happy Birthday, to your daughter! She is definitely an overcomer isn’t she?
I will pass the well wishes on! I would say she is quite a fighter!
Aww! Happy Birthday!! 😊🖤
I will pass the wishes on.
Glad she had a great birthday! Blessings to you all!
To you as well!
Muita saúde e alegrias na vida dela! Felicidades!
gracias amigo
Muita saúde e alegrias na vida dela! Felicidades!
Waffles instead of cake ? That’s a new one. Happy birthday to your daughter.
I don’t even think cake was even a thought. It is kind of funny!
Happy birthday to your miracle girl…they grow up was too fast. Before you know it, you’ll be a grandfather, then, a great. In the blink of an eye.
Ha ha! Time flies for sure!
I would like to try homemade waffles!
Well, if you are ever in Colorado, hit me up and we will deliver some to you!
Will do!
Congratulations! Happy Birthday to her. They grow up fast. 🙂
Thank you! I will pass the well wishes on!
awww happy birthday to your miracle baby!! 💖💖👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏
Thank you. I will pass it on!
You’re sooo welcome my friend!💖
Happy belated Birthday!
I will pass it on
Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Oh my she was tiny.
Yes she was!
I thought my daughter was at 4lbs.
That is pretty small as well! I had a sister that weighed in around that. High altitude seems to do it.
I never thought of that. And small babies but oh my watch out feisty. 😊
I would say. My sister went by “Fun Size” for a bit. She was Fiesty
Awww love that !