The Bee In Her Bonnet (Stroke Therapy)

Hello, Benjamin From Brother’s Campfire here!

We here at the Campfire have been preoccupied with one idea, an obsession if you will about the health of my Beloved.

This is the bee in my bonnet.

Yesterday was focused on shower time, henna treatment, deep hair conditioning, hair styling and sleep.

There are a lot of steps to self care and they are time-consuming and exhausting.

She Has Her Own Hair Treatment Recipe

Today was exhausting for my Beloved. We picked up some wheelchair parts and went shopping. She is getting back to meal planning somewhat. These things come with time.

And there was the physical therapy. Her first appointment is next week, and she isn’t about to wait.

Stroke Recovery Takes Determination.

Isabel set out to walk as far as possible, and it was evident she was not feeling it, but she pushed anyway.

We took a few breaks and had a few tough times to include crossing a wooden bridge.

We took another break and looked at the tracker.

My Beloved walked a quarter- mile/ .40 kilometers today!

There were a lot of other accomplishments made today, but we were preoccupied with this goal. It was her bee in her bonnet.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

87 thoughts on “The Bee In Her Bonnet (Stroke Therapy)

  1. kristianw84 says:

    Im very sorry to hear about your sweethearts stroke. I’m so happy she has you to take care of her!

    I am a caregiver to my disabled husband. I know how exhausting it can be. Make sure you take care of you, too!

    Sending lots of well wishes to both of you!

  2. cheriewhite says:

    Love this Herb! ❤ A quarter mile amd she’s only out of the hospital a few days! 🏆🎖🎉That’s amazing! I’m so glad she’s making progress and I pray that she makes more progress. And I’m sure you helped her get the bee out of her bonnet. 😁😁😁 Have a wonderful weekend. 💖🕊

    1. Benjamin says:

      She was the closest thing to a flower anywhere around. Poor bee. Yes! She did amazing. She will probably hurt tomorrow!

      1. cheriewhite says:

        Awww! That first line is so sweet, Herb! I love hearing great husband’s uplift their wives! 😍😍😍 And if she’s sore, I can see you rubbing her down with Hempvana. I use it and that stuff works wonders! 😃

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha! You are at Benjamin’s site at the Campfire, bit I will let Herb, from Haps with Herb know! 🤠🔥

          1. cheriewhite says:

            Hehe hehe! You’re Herb’s son so I guess it was easy to get the two of you mixed up. My apologies, Ben. 🤣😂🤣😂

        2. Benjamin says:

          I will have to look the product up. We havent used that one before!

          1. cheriewhite says:

            It cures all my aches but be advised, it’s expensive- but it’s worth it.

  3. Michelle says:

    She sounds like a very strong woman! And lucky to have you right by her side. Praying for you both!

  4. lindacrampton7495 says:

    I’m glad that Isabel is so determined! I know this must be a tiring time for both of you, but I’m glad to hear that things are progressing well.

    1. Benjamin says:

      She is determined! And yes, we are exhausted! We have to kepp pushing to get better!

  5. Ryan Callahan says:

    Awesome she was able to walk that far! She is a courageous and determined woman. Awesome how you help her too. It’s encouraging to see such a loving marriage. God bless!

  6. Thattamma C.G Menon says:

    Yes, she so much improving seeing time and can see you how much caring her 🌷👌♥️🙏
    God Bless and physio and medicines best cure for her 👍🏻🙏♥️
    and families sacrifice! Grace wishes 👏

  7. Beverly says:

    Way to go, Isabel! 🙌👏. We are so proud of you! 😁 Beverly and Denise

  8. 9siduri says:

    Sorry to hear of your wife’s hardship. Glad she is so determined to overcome it, and glad she has you to help her.

    My best wishes to both of you.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you, Friend! You are amazing for being with us and encouraging us! Thank you!

  9. Eugi says:

    Wow! She is a fighter and good for her to have the will to move forward!

  10. Jewish Young Professional "JYP" says:

    This isn’t the main point of your post, but I had to chuckle reading about the henna hair treatment and deep conditioning, and also seeing the photo taken by the candy aisle. #priorities. Seriously, this is amazing progress. Best wishes for continued recovery and healing.❤️

    1. Benjamin says:

      Life is about the little things sometimes. I like that you can see deeply into this post.

        1. Benjamin says:

          She uses hers as a hair treatment and not as a dye. It has something to do with proteins attaching to the hair so it doesn’t get damaged.

          We d not have any tips for dying with it.

  11. James Viscosi says:

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned since my own experience during The Event it’s that everyone’s road is different after a brain injury, and I’m happy to see this progress being made!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It is a new experience for the both of us and we have no clue what to expect. Thank you for your encouragement!

      Do you have a family member who had a stroke? I would like to hear about it.

      1. James Viscosi says:

        Oh, no, *I* had one, a hemorrhagic stroke caused by an undetected cerebral aneurysm that ruptured in November 2019. I was quite fortunate with my outcome but I’m well aware now of the challenges that people face after these. I did a six-part post about the experience in 2020 if you want to take a look.

        1. Benjamin says:

          Oh wow, that sounds awful. Thank you for sharing your experience. Are you well now?

          1. James Viscosi says:

            Oh, sure, feel free to reblog it if you want to! (Sorry, it wouldn’t let me reply to your last comment, I think we might have gotten nested too deep … 😁)

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! Your Love travelled all the way from the Mediterranean to the Colorado Rockies!

  12. Cindy Georgakas says:

    You are a honey bee and she is a keeper!
    💖👏 Can’t wait to see her honey Dew when she takes her hat off Ben! 💖

  13. ChallEngEr says:

    Your beloved’s story sounds very encouraging…your strength and motivation. All the best on the journey of recovery with the help of God.⛅

  14. Omatra7 says:

    Sooo happy to know she home and back with family ❤️

    She’s looking good!! 👏

    I hope the bee 🐝 did not get chance to get her 🙏🙏

    You are so sweet taking care of her like that ❤️ you have beautiful heart

    I hope she comes back really strong!! She also has a spirit lol ❤️

  15. Carl D'Agostino says:

    This condition like so many others is so cruel. I’m 72 and live alone and agonize what will happen if and when this may happen to me. Availibility for home care at my adequate but modest income is not a choice and I couldn’t even get a broom closet in today’s nursing homes. May you both grow in health and love and courage in this new year.

  16. moribascorner says:

    Glad things are moving in the right direction… I can understand Isabel’s determination to turn back the clock, but moving too fast can create a setback… so both of you… take your time… set goals… and above all listen to the experts…!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Well, we do not wish to have setbacks! Thank you for your encouragement!

  17. mattsnyder1970 says:

    Well Benjamin thanks for the earworm. 🎼🎵”…Say I’m the only bee in your bonnet
    Make a little birdhouse in your soul…” Birdhouse in your soul by They might be Giants 😁

  18. AJMcGregor says:

    I often think about you and your wife as I know these are challenging days for the two of you. Just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so glad you both have the comfort of your wonderful extended family.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you . Without you and the Blogosphere around, I would be a lonely meatball. 🤠🔥

  19. Anonymous says:

    She is a strong woman! Thank God her husband is there for better or worse!

  20. swabby429 says:

    I read this with great interest because my step-mom suffered two strokes. She put up the good fight and was a real trooper. She could always manage a friendly smile for everyone who came to visit and help her.

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