Brothers Campfire Thanks you For 50 Likes!

Baldwin Mailer, ScribeNorthwich, La Longi  Population 94

Public Record For Northwich Keep

New additions to Village of Northwich.

John R (Sawbones, Dockworker, Soldier)
Accompanied by, Mother, seamstress, son

The Village received a gift of 50 coins from an anonymous donor. The donation will be split in supporting the school and purchasing spear heads. 

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

26 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Thanks you For 50 Likes!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank You Kristian! You are welcome to
      Settle in Northwich, La Longi and partake in our adventures!

      Emerson Berengar, Thane of Northwich

    2. Benjamin says:

      Looking back at my favorite People! Thanks for the encouragement!

  1. rue202 says:

    Cool! Glad to see how much you’ve grown since this post.

      1. Benjamin says:

        I have grown as well. This has ben very therapeutic and self revealing when I look back. You were quite accurate.

        1. rue202 says:

          Oh, okay. Do you mean writing all this is therapeutic for you?

    1. Benjamin says:

      I am growing as I go! I experimented with using likes as currency and followers as population, but that was complicated!

      1. rue202 says:

        Ha ha, LOL! Never thought of doing anything like that, actually.

  2. Benjamin says:

    Ha ha “ben”!
    I have learned a lot about myself through writing. I feel better about myself for doing so.

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