Brothers Campfire Ahu -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 40
I am Beast. I am cold. My hair is mostly gone. The Heron sold it to Penelope. Beast am very
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Gather ’round and hear a tale…
I am Beast. I am cold. My hair is mostly gone. The Heron sold it to Penelope. Beast am very
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“Palisade!!” Penelope had been attacked a time or two in her travels. This was her command for defense.The carts circled
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Palisade!! -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 39
Coffee. I have been trying to make a habit of seeing the Man with the Shepherd’s crook on Sunday. I
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Sunday Morning -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 38
Ahusaka of the Heron tribe sat in front of his lodge He was a thin man of average height with
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Ahusaka’s War Party -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 37
Good morning. I went scouting with James Rainport yesterday. I like James Rainport. He is rough around the edges and
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Just Tickled -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 36
A child was born yesterday. A baby boy is the first child to be born in Northwich. Everyone is excited.
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Penelope’s Entourage -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 35
The stone buildings continue to stand in Old Northwich. All the other structures are char on the ground. The insides
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Old -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 34
Good day. Penelope is bringing her wares house to house. She has a dye from an insect that makes clothing
Continue readingBrothers Campfire My Day -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 33
A trade caravan has arrived at Northwich! We have not had one since we arrived here last year. We are
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Penelope -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 32
Good morning! Yesterday, I went to the stone building that the Man with the Shepherd’s Crook is working on. The
Continue readingBrothers Campfire Shepherd’s Crook Man -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 31