Brothers Campfire My Day -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 33

Good day. Penelope is bringing her wares house to house. She has a dye from an insect that makes clothing a beautiful red color. I have never seen so many women grouped together over containers of dried insects. Penelope has bolts of fabric and all sorts of lady items that are out of my scope of understanding.

In other news,Ahusaka approached be today.

He had attended the services on Sunday.

“Brother, I am a Heron. I find answers in many ways and paths. I worry about blind, narrow devotion to one. I have trouble seeing one Spirit who does all.”
I do not think I need to follow this path. I will keep my mind open to the teachings of the Man with the Shepherd’s Crook but I will follow my ways for now. We disagree on a few things because our ways are different.
I do not want this to create a division between us.”

I informed Ahusaka that I respected him as a man for his forthright words.

I sit this night at the fire. I contemplate the words of Ahusaka when he showed up and told a story.

While there is ample stone, wood and farmland in this area, the original purpose for Northwich eludes me. The Alchemist who is an advisor to the king of La Longi stated there is a potential resource here. The king seems to be content with his citizens building a community and paying taxes. I have done a lot of fire tending. It may be time for me to start scouting around a little.

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

5 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire My Day -An Ongoing Tale Chapter 33

  1. Anonymous says:

    I see a bit of Ahusaka in myself.

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