Brothers Campfire Spring Has Sprung

Hello Friends! 

We are decorating for spring but we haven’t quite been able to let Christmas and Valentine’s day go.

Candy Cane Heart


Spring is so incredibly close. My little kale plants are an indication. I am so excited for green I can hardly contain myself!


For those it applies to, don’t forget to set your clocks forward one hour!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

25 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Spring Has Sprung

  1. leendadll says:

    Thanks for the clock reminder. I still have 3. which have to be reset manually.

    I usually don’t experience spring (very few plants die off in SoCal winter) but the neighbor butchered the honeysuckle that’s outside my bedroom window and watching it get new leaves has allowed me to experience the “spring rebirth” most places enjoy.

  2. kristianw84 says:

    As the snow continues to fly here in the Appalachian mountains, I am SO ready for spring! I miss my flowy dresses & flip flops! Lol.

    1. Benjamin says:

      The snow will continue to fall here in the Rockies, but the cold hearty plants will thrive. In the semi arid, we have flip flop days in between storms!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Many parts of the U.S. have a bizzare custom of putting the clocks back one hour in the fall and putting them forward one hour in spring. This is used to have business hours when the sun is out.

      1. Ishaan Sharma says:

        Bizarre indeed. I wonder how the country is able to work with so many time zones and now it gets even harder. Sometimes I wish the world was really flat. No time zone problems.

        1. leendadll says:

          But it’s so much more complicated… several years ago the gov’t changed the dates we recent clocks… so now they’re on one setting for only 4 months, reminding everyone how stupid it is. And some places, like Arizona, don’t participate, even though everywhere else in their timezone does. I have a weekly call with someone in AZ and rarely remember whether she’s an hour ahead or on the same schedule as me (just googled… hour ahead now; same time starting tomorrow).

          2 years ago, Calif voted to stop changing time but it will take ages (if ever) to enact due to needing federal approval.

          1. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I see it is quite confusing. Some people in my country demand an additional time zone. I think it will cause confusion. But of course, they have their own views

  3. sheila currie blake says:

    I am glad I’m not the only one who finds it hard to let Christmas go. I listen to carols anytime of year and I am still watching those cozy christmas movies. however, Its easier for me to let go of valentines day seeing that its my birthday and all, and while I am happy to be alive I always try to forget as quickly as possible that I have grown a year older! thanks for the reminder to reset my clock. have a bless day

    1. Benjamin says:

      Have a blessed day as well! Thank you for the insight, Friend!

  4. easterntrekker says:

    When I get back home …I am going to search for my Kale plants…as long as those deer didn’t eat them.😉

  5. Lydia Potter says:

    Spring is here too!
    Thanks for the clock reminder… I would’ve forgotten otherwise.

  6. herbthiel says:

    Oh man! I had totally forgotten about the clocks! thanks for the PSA!

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