Brothers Campfire Scheduling Concerns

Hello Friends!

I work in the public sector and am still going to my job assignment as it is considered essential. However, I am working a different set of hours. It is my intention to provide the highest quality content possibile for my readers.

This, was quality! Thank you beloved!

To continue in the persuit of quality, I may need to schedule days that I post to manage my responsibility instead of posting every day.

Thank you friends for understanding! I have some of the kindest readers in the world. Thank you!

Cant stop eating or writing!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

207 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Scheduling Concerns

          1. Benjamin says:

            Well, there is plenty here at the Campfire! Are you a vegetarian?

          2. Benjamin says:


          3. Benjamin says:


          4. pooja rani says:

            I like fast food Maggie, chole bhture, pasta, macaroni, pizza 😋😋

          5. Benjamin says:

            I feel as though you are missing out! There are meatless varieties! Do you drink soda?

          6. Benjamin says:

            I like monster drinks and cherry coke. What are your favourites?

          7. Benjamin says:

            🍶🍵☕🍷🍹🍸🍻🍺🍼🍮🍾😰so many choices?

        1. Benjamin says:

          Ha ha!! Ok! You as well. Are you keeping it together over there?

          1. Benjamin says:

            Me as well. Perhaps I will do something in the yard or garage. Did you make breakfast?

          2. Neha nandwana says:

            Good to hear that 😊 yes I love to Do so. Here its 7 am. So preparing to make some vegetable sandwiches today with a cup of coffee 🤗🥗 you wanna join, 😊

          3. Benjamin says:

            I brought some French Roast and the Campfire!☕ 🔥

            I also brought additional fruits and vegetables!

          4. Benjamin says:

            Me, I am an omnivore. I do eat meat. Eggs are a daily staple. Milk was an expensive luxury growing up so I try to ensure my children get plenty! I have a vegetable garden planted. They are good with eggs!!😁

          5. Neha nandwana says:

            Wow 👌 stay healthy and safe 💖 blessings to your lovely children and family 💐💐

          6. Benjamin says:

            Thank you. To you as well! Enjoy your morning! I will be going to bed soon.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I have been trying to get out and walk as well. I may need to tighten that up for a little while.

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            When I put in the test comment. Before I submitted it you popped up liking the comment I was about to submit! Creepy, scary, and I jumped!

          2. Benjamin says:

            Hmmm… Wow. I know some help sites can see what you are typing before you hit send, but my site is not that way.

          3. Benjamin says:

            I have more of a ” don’t mess with my little sister” outlook.

          4. Lydia Potter says:

            Now I’m confused. Just leave me alone if you’re around to be mean, and I’ll be happy!

          5. Benjamin says:

            Sigh….. Lydia, I look at you as a little sister. I have a protective brotherly view of you. I am not sure as to what you are saying.

          6. Lydia Potter says:

            I was just being annoying. That’s all. Don’t let it get to you.
            I have 2 biological brothers, but they’re nothing protective like you are.

          7. Benjamin says:

            Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
            Acts 2:38 KJV

            Link to it. Works on phone and computer

          8. Benjamin says:

            Well, I suppose you will have a hard time going to Bible college in Wisconsin then.

          9. Benjamin says:

            You may want to find consistentcy in living for God before you get into a Bible type ministry.

          10. Benjamin says:

            That is because you are at a crossroads in your life. You likely feel as though you missed out on some things in your childhood and you have catching up to do.

          11. Benjamin says:

            Hmmm…. Well, I can almost garuntee you have missed little but heartbreak and hurt.

          12. Benjamin says:

            Some of things you may think are important stepping stones into adaulthood really are not. The cause regret later. Does that make sense?

          13. Lydia Potter says:

            So like making a big deal over boyfriend relationships I know won’t last is one of those?

          14. Benjamin says:

            I do not know the context. If you give little pieces of your heart away frequently, you could become heartless!

        1. Benjamin says:

          Well, if you give an alligator a vest, you get an investigator.

  1. rue202 says:

    Thank you for letting us know. And don’t worry about it if you can’t keep posting or finding it difficult with your new hours, we all sometimes go for weeks without posting sometimes.

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you for understanding! I try to post every day and if I cannot, I will set certain days for it.

      1. rue202 says:

        Cool! If I don’t get to for a while, I don’t worry too much, though I make sure to post a lot for a little bit afterwards to make up for it.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I can see your way as well. Are you doing any outdoor activities?

          1. rue202 says:

            I try and go for walks every day, though due to the COVID-19 situation, I don’t to make sure I don’t come into contact with someone who may have it.

          2. rue202 says:

            I’m not sure. Depends on what I’m writing, or if I’m writing at all. I find I’m not always in a writing mood. And it also depends on how much time I get to sit down and write.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Just a question. I try to write something every day even if I do not post it to keep myself sharp.

          1. Benjamin says:

            I do not know. I am not a Catholic. However, our congregation is very closely following the guidelines given by the government.

          2. Benjamin says:

            I suppose I could fall under the protestant category. I am in the category that does not believe in the trinity.

          3. Ishaan Sharma says:

            So you don’t believe in the father and holy spirit? or do you believe that the three are same?

          4. Benjamin says:

            Jesus is the Father, Jesus is the Son, Jesus is the Holy Ghost

          5. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I would like to ask:
            Do we have holidays on sunday because God ‘rested on the 7th day’ after creation?

          6. Benjamin says:

            Sunday is the first day of the week to me because I want to give God the first part. God did enjoy his labor on the 7th day. However, I am not an expert on Sunday Holidays.

          7. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I see that the bible commands more parts of our lives than I thought.
            Reading it gives a cultural view regarding the western society.

          8. Benjamin says:

            The Bible has greatly influenced western society. There is a part of the US called the Bible Belt!

          9. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Bible belt?
            Why is it called that?

            But I won’t be surprised. I hear most of the founding fathers of the states were devout christians.
            I also hear few of them were members of secret organisations, though I doubt this is true.

          10. Benjamin says:

            So, a lot of founding fathers believed in a diety bigger than themselves. They were not all Christians ad I would define. However, thier devoutness to thier convictions did indeed set a tone for American culture.
            So, here is the skinny on ancient secret organizations in my opinion. There was not an internet to meet amazing people at Brother’s Campfire, so the wealthy met and actually spoke face to face! They would have membership dues, secret handshakes, ect. While they were having a good ole time, work and political conversation must have occured, influencing decisions among friends. This would be viewed differently by someone who did not get to participate due to funding or lack of social connections. This is just an opinion.

          11. Ishaan Sharma says:

            That is a great statement.
            I find most conspiracy theories stupid, though some make sense.

            I was just surfing the net, and came across the name of an emperor named Constanine.
            Some claim that he created the bible. That seems strange, since he came much after Jesus Christ. Would you know something on this?

          12. Benjamin says:

            The Catholic church had heavy involvement with the Romans. They made a lot of things up to appease everyone. God’s Word was spoken from the beginning and revealed in the hearts of mean who were promted to write. Moses very likely wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Paul wrote many books in the New Testament. There is no book of Constantine in the Bible!

            Conspiracy theories fail due to actual implementation of human intelligence. You and your friends may conspire for something to happen and influence an outcome, but that is normally how business is conducted!

          13. Ishaan Sharma says:

            This makes sense.

            Did you know that some hindu texts predicted the birth of Jesus Christ before he was actually born?
            The Bhavishya Purana (Meaning stories of the future) tells about the coming of a saint named Issa Massih (The name of Jesus in parts of middle east) who would spread the word of god to the mlecchas (pagans).

            However, the Bhavishya Purana was heavily edited throughout ages, so we can’t be sure what the text really said. Most of its verses have now been lost.

            It is confusing who would be the one who would edit it. It gives Jesus the post of a messanger of God, instead of God himself. This rules out editing by any Christian.
            The Hindus consider it a sin to edit the texts, like any religion would.
            But this is interesting indeed.

          14. Benjamin says:

            That is indeed interesting. It is unfortunate that the texts were edited. Did you know that wise men came from the East to see Jesus? They saw his star. That tells me there was insight from these Men of the East.

          15. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Yes, I believe they were 9 kings? Or maybe another number.
            It would be probable some of them were indians. One of the most legendary kings of India of that time was Vikramaditya. His empire extended beyond Afghanistan. He might have visited Jesus.

            Some scholars doubt the existence of Vikramaditya. But he is so often mentioned in Indian texts of that time, that his existence to me is obvious.

            Would there be any details on the kings who came to meet him?

          16. Benjamin says:

            Not in the Bible to my knowledge. Do you follow Herb Thiel’s blog? He is a wealth of information on a lot of your questions. I know he could help in answering a lot of these things. I would like to let him know about our conversation if it is ok.

          17. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Yes I follow him. I hear he is a sunday school teacher.
            I would like to know his insight .

            There are many parallels between our religions.

            The second coming of Christ is relatable to birth of Kalki, 10th avatar of Supreme Lord Vishnu, who shall descend from heaven on a white horse, with a grand longsword, and revive righteousness, when the men have forgotten the teachings of God.

          18. Benjamin says:

            Yeah, definitely reach out to him. Herb Thiel is a pretty amazing guy!

          19. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I still find it strange you would call your father ‘a pretty amazing guy’. But anyway, I would surely talk to him

          20. Benjamin says:

            I suppose I could say, “my father is ugly and his feet stink” instead.

          21. Ishaan Sharma says:

            No I meant that you were referring to him as a person you had never met.

            Don’t get me the wrong way.

          22. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I just checked. The Bhavishya Purana says that Grandson of Vikramaditya, Shahlavana, travelled to the west and met a great sage named Issa. But in that legend, Jesus is grown up.

          23. Ishaan Sharma says:

            There have been claims that Jesus visited a particular monastry in India.
            Some records at the monastry mentioned a traveller from the arab land, named Issa, who had a grand light about him and stayed there. But this claim has been criticised as made up. The historian who claimed this said afterwards that the records he found had been either deliberately, or accidentally, been removed.

            I don’t know if this can be true, but I find it interesting. The theory was called something along the lines o f the ‘lost years of christ’.

          24. Benjamin says:

            That is quite unlikely. Jesus did not travel very far from his birthplace. However, his disciples did as well as others!

          25. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Yes, I felt the theory was wrong too.

            After all, Isa was a common name. And there were many enlightened men in that era, so it would be possible it was some other traveller. Or maybe, the historian just made up the story.

            What intrigues me, is the comparatively low number of christians in middle east.

            In case you have time, I would like to know about the crusades. What they were, why they were fought, between whom, and what was the result?

          26. Benjamin says:

            I do not know about the Crusades. I will say that the motivation of men to gain power is consistent in history.

          27. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I see.
            I heard that Crusades were holy wars fought in the name of Christianity. Something like regaining Middle East maybe.

          28. Benjamin says:

            People do all sorts of things for the “greater good”. Jesus has a better plan.

          29. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Is Colorado a part of the Bible belt?

            India has no bible belt. But we have regions with high density of churches. Some examples would be: Puducherry (a french colony with a very european culture), Daman and Diu, (Portugal colony), Kerala (A man named St. Thomas arrived here over 2000 years ago, probably while Jesus was alive or had just died, and he spread Christianity) and Goa.
            As for temples, you will find them everywhere you look. Just walk a few hundred metres in a street, and you will find a temple.

          30. Benjamin says:

            Wow, thank you for the insight!
            Colorado is North of the Bible Belt. We are a melting pot of the United States. People from all parts are mkved here for military service and they share their outlook on life. There is a strong church presence in Colorado, however.

            The Apostles of the New Testament could very well have extended their mission beyond the Roman Empire. Thomas would have been a follower of Jesus, known as a disciple.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I like both! Spicy Mexican food is the best for me! Do you play any sports?

          1. Abhishek pathania says:

            Ah, spicy! I love it.
            I play Cricket, football, badminton and volleyball. I also do track sometimes. How about you?

          2. Benjamin says:

            I work in a prison so I practice a few martial arts to stay as combat ready as posible. I have found the best tool to use with inmates is words!

          3. Abhishek pathania says:

            That’s cool. I find marital arts quite intriguing, but never took any sort of training at school or college. I have bowed a couple of times to Japanese looking people… that’s about it all😁 What kind of martial arts you practice? Like there’s taikwando, kung-fu, karate, jujitsu and much more!

          4. Benjamin says:

            I teach job related skills.
            Application of restraints, take downs, strikes, ect.
            I have dabbled in Filipino stick fighting, Ninjitsu, and Kenpo Karate, but nothing to indepth. Mostly fundamentals of stance in a combat situation.

          5. Benjamin says:

            Thank you friend. You seem pretty impressive yourself! You play LOT of sports!!!

  2. Sheila D.Currie Blake says:

    we understand when duty calls. I too will be .limited during this coming week staring April 6th. It is a week of prayer and fasting at my church (online of course) but I really would like to partake. God bless you. be safe

      1. Sheila D.Currie Blake says:

        me too my brother. I can just imagine what the fellowship will be like for all of us when we go back. it will truly be a glimpse of heaven. God bless you. take care.

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