Brothers Campfire Resurrection Sunday Afternoon

Hello Friends!

I enjoyed the service today and would like to thank those that attended.

Thank you!

It meant a lot to bring friends to service. If you did not get to attend, there are several archived messages and podcasts about the message at Heritage Pentecostal Church

After church, I came across some images I would like to share about the message!

Lego Depiction Of The Stone Rolled Away
Mary Telling Peter and the other discple about the news.
Crying and bleary eyed, Mary mistook Jesus for the gardener

After service, I ate an enchilada casserole with beans and rice. It was delicious!

Thank you Beloved!

I went outside to check on the birds and there was a quarter inch of ice on the surface of their water. I went ahead and fed them. The only egg hunting we planned on was this.

Photo Bombing Bubbles!

We have some hearty spring flowers coming up and I would like to show them to you before they wild and die in the cold! (They are actually pretty cold tolorant!)

Well, I will blog more tomorrow! I am trying to stay focused as we will be having communion tonight by streaming.

Have a blessed and beautiful Resurrection Sunday!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

135 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Resurrection Sunday Afternoon

  1. Ryan Callahan says:

    Sounds like a blessed time! Great photos! Crazy spring weather here in Colorado strikes again! Still snowing a bit up here, but the sun is shining through. Blessings to you and your family!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Those Chinook winds on this side of the Rockies makes things so unpredictable! Time with the family is a blessing!

  2. Krista says:

    Happy Easter 🐑🐰 I am also making cheese enchiladas and ranchero beans for dinner

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thank you! I am reaching out for assistance on the comments!

        1. Benjamin says:

          I have my options set to post everything. That is the primary frustration.

          1. Lydia Potter says:

            If I got snow, I would be the happiest girl on earth! I cry when others get it cuz I’m jealous.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Ok, I will delete all my photos and forget about my prep time to ensure your happiness.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I am well! I have a post coming out around noon your time about McDonald’s of all things!

          1. Benjamin says:

            You will see soon that I am not happy with McDonald’s right now! I like whoppers from burger king. 🍔 👑

          2. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Hmm.. Burger King… I don’t find them good enough. But don’t know about US.

          3. Benjamin says:

            But from the sounds of it, the Burgers are made differently.

          4. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Do you have starbucks in your city?

            Can you believe there are only 100 starbuck stores in India?
            And only 6 cities covered…

          5. Benjamin says:

            We do! They are quite common! I am a fan. They can get pricy!

          6. Benjamin says:

            Well for one, the symbol of the Starbucks lady can be thought of as offensive. Another may have to to with permits for building and zoning. It may be excessivly taxed, wage concerns.

          7. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I wonder how the symbol is offensive.

            I don’t think there are any such concerns. They might spread soon. They claim India will be their 4th largest market soon.

          8. Benjamin says:

            We need as much moisture as possible! It is semi arid desert here! Is there a lot of humidity as well?

          9. Benjamin says:

            We have what are called Chinook Winds on the East side of the Colorado Rockies. It makes the climate mostly mild, but it can change in an instant.

          10. Benjamin says:

            Typically warm, causing storms when it hits the colder mountains.

          11. Benjamin says:

            Before European settlers came to the Americas, there were people who libed here. They are known as Native American. Chinook is one of their tribes. In my ongoing story, the Heron and Ruetoohto follow them in a very general way.

          12. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I hear that the native americans are called Indians 😀 🤣
            That is quite strange.

            I hear it is because Columbus wanted to find India and thought he had succeded when he landed in America.

          13. Benjamin says:

            There may be truth to that. When I here the word, ” Indian” I think of indigenous peoples in the U.S.

          14. Ishaan Sharma says:

            In my opinion, India should have taken a different official name at independence. Yes, Indigenous americans are named after our country, but most westerners form a wrong link.
            India is called Bharat in hindi.

          15. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Incase you are asking what the name is in Hindi/Sanskrit, the answer is Bhaarat.
            It is named after an ancient king. It is defined as the land between the himalayas and the indian ocean.

            A resident of Bharat would be called a Bhaarat Vaasi. Vaasi means citizen.

            Or you can say Bhaarati.

          16. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I wonder, did Columbus have a compass? 🤔😅
            He must have realised he was going west instead of east.

          17. Benjamin says:

            I actually think he had mental health concerns. In addition, he must have had a bizzare perception of the world. People in his time had a significant amount of knowledge about the subject.

          18. Ishaan Sharma says:

            Is that a joke or did he really have mental health concerns?
            I hear he was smart. He fooled native americans with a prediction of solar eclipse to make them give him food.

            He carried a compass. And he surely saw the sun rise from east. 🤔

          19. Benjamin says:

            He may have had superior intelligence than some, however, I do not believe him to have been a balanced, reasonable man.

          20. Ishaan Sharma says:

            I see. I know little about him. I would like to know why you hold this opinion, if you would like to share, of course

  3. rue202 says:

    We had sausages and eggs for breakfast, chocolates throughout the day, and roast lamb with Yorkshire pudding and roast vegetables for dinner.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I bet! We have been trying to cut back a lot just in case. An example would be- we are eating beans and rice every 4 days.

          1. rue202 says:

            Cool. We do our best to eat healthy, but we do sometimes indulge.

          2. Benjamin says:

            Perhaps I will get some on a holiday or something. Strawberry Rhubarb!

    1. Benjamin says:

      It was, friend! I appreciate the visit! Hey, do you have a Starbucks where you live?

      1. Neha nandwana says:

        My pleasure dear 😇 and no here is no Starbucks here. I live in a small city called Bhilwara in Rajasthan, India. And due to super curfews here not able to go anywhere 🙄

        1. Benjamin says:

          We are a lot like that here! We can walk in the park if we avoid eachother. Do you have a favorite place to eat out when you have the chance?

          1. Neha nandwana says:

            That’s cool but here we are in total house arrest. Yes I enjoy street foods which I am missing nowadays. So tryinh trying some of them to make it at home. 😊 Else I enjoy homemade food alot. What about you?

          2. Benjamin says:

            My wife makes better food than most restaurants. I cannot ask for anything better! I do like 🍕 pizza and 🍔 hamburgers! Street food sounds enjoyable!

          3. Neha nandwana says:

            That’s sound so good 😇 afterall home cooked food is the best in the world 😇😇

          1. Neha nandwana says:

            Nopes dear. I am from biotechnology field. So have no idea about it. But I surely enjoy to do shopping 😂

          2. Benjamin says:

            My wife goes shopping all the time! I like this because she resells online! It gets her out of the house. I am in the prison field, 😆. Hats off to you for your education and dedication!

          3. Neha nandwana says:

            Your lady love is really amazing 👌love and much regards to you both 😇 and thank you so much for your appreciation and kindness 🤗 🤗 🤗

    1. Benjamin says:

      To you as well, Friend! May your SEO score and affiliate marketing grow! Have a beautiful dau!

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