Thank you for your kindness! We sang her two different versions of Happy Birthday, and she past shortly thereafter, a strong example of endurance and fortitude. I have been forever impacted by her remarkable life. I appreciate you stopping by, Katelon!
Thank you, Tanya. We as people are at times in darkness and have an opportunity to be made clean. We cast aside our filthy clothing and adorn ourselves in clean apparel. It is good to help others out of darkness and into marvelous light.
The other guy is my father. Herb Thiel. He is 60 years old and has taught SundaySchool for 30. He has adopted all kinds of people into his extensive extended family. You could most assuredly be adopted by stranger strangers.
It is a part of the bigger storyline and it has specific value to certain members of audience. Thank you for the feedback! It is always nice to hear from the one who introduced me to WordPress options, launching me into the blogosphere!
Oh... I think there is confusion here. I am Benjamin, the Storyteller, author of Brother's Campfire. I am 36 years of age with a family. I have endearingly called you my snotty nosed little sister and extended all the rights and priveledges of this status.😝 (inqure as necessary) With warm regard, Benjamin