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  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

    For a longer read, Check out, Genesis, Luke, and Acts. That is several days of dedicated reading. You are welcome. I respect you as a man, friend. Thank yoi for telling me your perspective and asking hard questions!
  • Brothers Campfire Gives A Few Thank Yous

    Thank you A.S.! I bring the cost up due to some hilarious accusations that I am wealthy. That is simply not true. What is true is investing in those you love is the greatest wealth! Thank you for your kindness, friend!
  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

    That is awful! Did anyone get sick?
  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

  • Brothers Campfire Creative Cook Award

    Thank you friend! Typically, I do not cook a lot at home. I enjoy it when my Beloved lets me in the kitchen!
  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

    Thank you for the compliment! What do you write about?
  • Brothers Campfire Creative Cook Award

    Hello Shaheshal, I am glad you liked it! What part of the world are you from?
  • Brothers Campfire For The Love of Wheelbarrows

    You can always go back to spinning your wheels! Have a great day as well!
  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

    Great Questions Ishaan! 1. Anyone can read the Bible! 2. I would recommend a Water and Spirit Bible study to find the main theme. Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5 KJV Then I would read Acts 2 for the plan to find salvation. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:4 KJV Therefore let all the house of Israel...
  • Brothers Campfire I Am The April Fool

    You are welcome! I did not forget your nomination, friend. I am overwhelmed with awards at the moment. I am coming right over to check it out!