There is already a bounty on my head from the WordPress Police about changing rules, but I am drastically going to do it anyway. I want good, quality content generated.

The Great Lydia Potter, My Wonderful Little Sister, nominated me for the real Great Food Award!
Thank you Lydia! Live for God and never outgrow your roots, little sister!
Lydia’s Blog and Her YouTube Now, Let’s Get Started!

Here are the rules I just made up.
1.Thank the person that nominated you with a link to their site. 2.Use a food photo or the logo provided. ( Or, Make A New One!) 3. Make an original, creative,cooking post.4. Nominate people. )Keep this number low as too many backlinks per page reflects negatively on your SEO score. Less than 10 is good)
Alright! Here are the questions I was asked by Lydia Potter! As I changed the rules, I will not be asking any. I look forward to stealing your cooking ideas instead.

1.Is there a food that you disliked when you were younger that you now love? If so, what food?
I have always hated Lima Beans. Yuck.
I did not like beets or coffee as a child and now I like both!
2.How many times do you eat in a day?
I am always on the go. I try to eat one meal every day with my family, then I munch throughout the day!
3.What meat is devoured most in your house?
We eat a lot of chicken!
4.Apple pie or brownies?
To not like apple pie is Un American.
I will have both, please!
5.Do you have any food allergies?
I do not think so. I hope not!
Now …With that done, Here is my cooking post!
So, I was not expecting to do this so I am missing a few pictures. For this award, I opted to make a breakfast casserole. First, I microwaved potatoes and cut them into bite size pieces. Then, I fried them in olive oil with seasonings to include, salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili pequin, and italian seasoning.

Meanwhile, I began frying wild hog breafast saugage given to me by a friend named Matthew. After it was cooked, I slathered it in maple syrup. At the end, we fried up some chicken and duck eggs and added a lot of cheddar cheese.

I layered the sausage, potatoes, and eggs together, garnished with cheddar, spicy oregano from the garden and sirache sauce. Here is the final product!

So, for my nominees, you do not just get this distinction by answering a few questions. Make sure you do a cooking post of any kind! Here are my nominees.
I wish the four of you well on th
Do not judge me but I do not like apple pie. Yes im American but its not my fav. If chocolate pie is on there I would be like yum.
What about fried chicken?
Ahhhhhh Chicken Legs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes Chicken Legs!!!!!!!!!!!!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, you passed the test😜
What test?
Do you live in North America?
I was checking to see if you were American.
Lol im also half cuban
Que? … That is cool!!
Not liking apple pie is un American😜 You like chicken so we are good. Let Old Glory Fly!
Are you still doing schoolwork?🤔
Cool. I am hanging out with my wife.
Ok thats good hope u have fun.
Thank you, you as well.
The end result looks delicious.
It was!
Thank you for nominating me Sir… I’m not a blogger of food or cooking (but, I think, a fairly accomplished cook, not merely a packet warmer!) but I have done only one recipe post before.
So, lazy way out, instead of writing something new, I’ll leave a link to that one post.
Fair enough!
This was so cool, bro!
I am glad you liked it little sister!
Everything looks so delicious Happy Tuesday & Stay Safe
Thank you Christine! What are you doing to pass the time?
Yum! It may be a little bit before I get to this, but I’ll see what I can do.
Whenever you have time. Same with your challenge.
Right on.
Left Off.
Gaa! You win
Congrats for the award.
I would comment on the food but I am vegetarian.
But it must be nice 🙂
I see where you are coming from.
?? Where??
I understand you are a vegetarian and that I eat meat.
I know that too.
Oh no! Did your head explode?
That is fortunate. I was looking at the emoji.
🙄 okh
Congrats on your award. Thanks for your consideration, Ben.
Absolutely! I am excited to see pictures of something you cooked!
I’ll post it sooner.
Way cool!
Wow!! That look delicious 😍
Congratulations, Ben.
And thank you so much for the nomination. I will definitely cook something up.
I look forward to seeing it! Be sure to post a link!
Most Definitely, Ben! 🙂
LOVED YOUR BREAK FAST! AND your answers as well! COOL! Have a nice day!
Hello Shaheshal, I am glad you liked it! What part of the world are you from?
HEY too! No problem! I am from………………………………………..I’ll maybe tell you later! I just fell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Owwwwww!
Hmm! Crazy fun!
Congratulations! Food look yummy and wholesome 👍
Congratulations on this award and your breakfast looks delicious !!! 🌼
Thank you friend! Typically, I do not cook a lot at home. I enjoy it when my Beloved lets me in the kitchen!
Hahaha that means you can help her have some free time, great !! 🌸
We are booth working hard this spring! there is a lot going on!
I am glad to hear your words !! Have a great weekend !!! 🌸
You as well! I meant “both,” by the way!
You’re making me hungry! That looks delish!!!
It was! What is your favorite food?
Pizza! Yeah, I know! Not a very healthy dish! LOL
Pizza is always what I want for my birthday! It seems to bother others, but I love pizza. All 4 food groups!!!!