Arnis and Escrima Brothers Campfire

Disclaimer. Trigger Warning-Contains real blood, minor injuries, mild violence

Filipino Stick Fighting is an excellent introduction into weapons systems. It all begins with using an Arnis and Escrima stick. I began my journey in stick fighting as a youth and found an excellent instructor named Damien Barr in my early 20s. 

Damien Barr taught me a good bit about proper stance and form which prepared me greatly in moving into the public sector as a correctional professional. The 12 strikes of Arnis and the accompanying blocks are practical in eastern and western fighting.

Today, I was wildly excited to have a sparring partner who was willing to go hard and wasn’t squeamish about striking me in the hand if I showed weakness. Having a solid grip on your weapon system is important. 

I did find that all was better with the application of snoopy bandaids.

I followed up my training with a good old fashioned chalk fight. It looks like I had better brush up and practice more!

That would have been awful!
Nothing like finishing up with a dehydrating beverage.

Well friends, be safe out there!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

56 thoughts on “Arnis and Escrima Brothers Campfire

    1. Benjamin says:

      At least no furniture was harmed. I know that is important to you.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I am building up to posting about furniture being destroyed and burned. 😈

          1. Benjamin says:

            I am trying to guage whether I should feed into this like a jerk or be all nice and sentimental. The first choice is funner.

          2. Benjamin says:

            And your comment about boys being destructive is quid pro quo for me calling you ” such a girl”.

          3. Benjamin says:

            Do you know what Adam said when he saw Eve for the first time?

          1. Ryan Callahan says:

            Oh I know, no worries. Hey, by the way, I love your fire pit! We have a propane one on the deck and I have one of those metal dish fire pits under the deck. Pretty windy out here, so hard to use either most of the time. Anyway, cool place you have there!

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