Brothers Campfire Asks… Positively False? Nose Rodents and Windmills

Hello, Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!

Every day, Monday through Friday, I take a Covid test.

On Thursdays I take two different types of tests. After a while, it is as repulsive as having a rodent shoved up your nose.

Aww, But it’s so cute though!

I suppose it is not that repulsive but I am blogging. I do sneeze a lot when oversize q tips are in my nasal passage.

I am just as ready as the next person for this to be over and got my first shot. The first vaccination shot was easy and there was no negative symptoms other than fatigue.

I am scheduled for the second in late May.

But noo. Change of plans.

One of the tests popped a positive. Now I have to quarantine.

I just had Covid in January. There is like no way I have it again.

So I quarantine with no symptoms, frustrated. Though I have free time I am a prisoner to my own house for 10 days.

The bright side is that I will not be eligible for a covid test for around 90 days so there will be no nose swabs when I return to work.

Another bright side is that I was able to get Watchman Wayne outside to oversee security.

Wayne was built from a broken down chicken coop and #10 cans. A little on the older side, I sprayed him down with linseed oil to keep him a while longer.

I sprayed a little linseed on a decorative windmill as well. Lets hope I get another couple of seasons out of it.

Someone was going to throw this beauty away. Unbelievable.

Well, perhaps there are a few things to be done here at Willow Manor.

I will keep you posted!

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

41 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Asks… Positively False? Nose Rodents and Windmills

  1. Herb says:

    Perhaps you will have time to schedule a couple more episodes?

    1. Benjamin says:

      I know right? I am so frustrated with the testing. I had at least three tests and one pops positive. Agrajag!!!

  2. hcmorris77 says:

    I have yet to be tested for covid…nor have I had the shots, but I think you may know that already. I don’t plan on getting the shot, if I can hold out.
    Good luck with the shot(s) and dealing with the positive covid test…I’ve heard that having had the shot could result in a positive test. Who really knows…

    1. Benjamin says:

      The social repercussion for leaving your home is what is bothering me most. I have zero symptoms, numerous negative tests, a first shot, and I had Covid in January. The chance I really have it is low low.

      1. hcmorris77 says:

        Yeah…I’ve heard once you’ve had covid you’re immune to it for the rest of your life. Of course, it all depends which doctor you talk to. This is true for anything, I think.

    1. Benjamin says:

      All is well! I just wish to be out and about.

      Covid, Dental Work, Gall Bladder, Covid revisited, …. Booo….. 🤠🔥😆🤓😂🤣

      1. YouLittleCharmer says:

        I dunno how you cope my friend!! 😬🙈
        At least you’re still smiling – that’s all that matters! 😁🤠🖤

  3. Beverly says:

    I love Watchman Wayne and the windmill!

    1. Benjamin says:

      Thanks for the compliment! I do wish I could have traveled a bit more though.

      1. windsofchange18 says:

        Oh, I know I do not see you as a sitting and relaxing guy for too long. You seem very active.

        1. Benjamin says:

          I try to be. I have had a lot of “set backs” this year making me stay home, 😂

  4. Lady Robinson says:

    Awww Feel Better Soon, getting some rest would help🙏You can ship me the chicken coop and it will be useful☺

    1. Benjamin says:

      Ha ha! All is well! 🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦢🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🤠🔥

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