Hello! Benjamin from Brother’s Campfire here!
It has been a beautiful week and there is a lot to learn in my new position.
Typically, I feel myself among the brightest in the room, but this is a new set of circumstances and I am a bit of a dim bulb here. It is fortunate to have a great teacher at the moment.

I have supervised some of the rougher parts of society for over a decade with instances where things were unpredictable and instant action was required. The willingness to be physical and engage has been a necessity in an environment where leadership attempts to mitigate newsworthy tidbits hampered appropriate support from the politically minded.
Thriving in chaos has been my forte.
A younger me once said, “standing up against overwhelming odds is the only way to be.” It is almost like praying for patience, a definite no no.
Now, I am in another role completely. While still in the people business, I am not studying survival tactics in a correctional environment, but rather cerebral and thought-provoking methods. Currently, I am tackling Daniel Coleman’s Working with Emotional intelligence and Bobb Goff’s Love Does.
There is absolutely no adjustment phase or insecurity whatsoever.

While, I like my job, I like my weekends. Today is Saturday, a day off to slay lions with a pronged spear,

and face what may be commandeering a pirate ship.

Enjoy your weekend my friend😊
Thank you. You as well.
Thank you.
That pirate ship looks might fearful…..I’d be careful if I were you
And go you for thriving in chaos……
Arrggh. Maytee …I be thrivin in chaos in Willow Manor Pond.
You got the intonation right
Arrrh there matey….
I’ve read Love Does. I enjoyed it. I am interested in the Coleman book. Have you read Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown? It is an excellent book about vulnerability and the traps of shame in our lives.
I have not yet read it. My social interactions are perhaps influenced by Louis La’moure.
Great book! I listened to the Daring Greatly audiobook, narrated by Brene Brown. It was fantastic 🤩
My Beloved has it and is getting it for me.
Can i get your gmail address so that we can get to now more about each other on there ok
Absolutely. https://brotherscampfire.com/contact/
I see you took your website down. That was quick.
aarrgghh! Ahoy the pirate ship!
Dear Benjamin, An interesting narrative.