Brothers Campfire Musings of Yesterdays Food

Hello Friends! Welcome to Brother’s Campfire!

Last Night’s Campfire

Today’s post is a bit of a ramble, but I have the desire to talk about Jesus and food.. I find both to be excellent conversation. And Jesus did say ” Come and dine” after all. “

The Garden

I went to the garden and was a little disappointed about it. Nothing is growing that well as my sprinkler went down.

This was a good thing because I learned that sometimes a bunch of small things can lead to something bigger.

Take prayer for instance. Jesus said,

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20 KJV Read it Here!

Living for God has taught me a little about the small things. I have found that our little prayers are heard and answered by a great big God. He supplies all of our need.

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:19 KJV Read It Here!

So, back to the garden. Without hurting my plants, I was able to harvest a few radishes, a garlic leaf, chard, kale, thyme and oregeno. Oh, yes, and just one duck egg.

I was initially discouraged, but I pulled myself together and dressed it up all pretty.

My Beloved was gracious enough to cook it up for me! Thank you Beloved!

With the little things, you can really put a shine on a sneaker. With some frozen dollar store vegetables, We made some amazing top ramen for Lunch. On the topic of sneakers, we try to live on a shoestring and God makes up the difference!

A Dinner of beans and rice completed our meals. Again, a little beef and some garnish and we are good to go!

Thank you again, Beloved! Sit back and relax for once, will you?

Author: Benjamin

Benjamin Thiel is a community leader, urban farmer, and author of The Ongoing Tale at Brothers Campfire. He might know a guy...

24 thoughts on “Brothers Campfire Musings of Yesterdays Food

  1. Cassa Bassa says:

    Yes find treasure in little things. Great capture of your beloved relaxing…😁

  2. Lydia Potter says:

    That campfire looks so welcoming!
    Great post.
    That food looks super good!
    Your Beloved is always doing something! 🙂 I’ve never trusted one of hammocks to hold my weight. There’s just no way I can relax… always tense!

    1. Benjamin says:

      We have a fire on a regular basis! You are always welcome to the Campfire! Indeed, she is always working hard!

      Hammocks do take some getting used to!

        1. Benjamin says:

          🤠🔥 If you ever visit Colorado, you can visit the Campfire!

  3. Petra says:

    The duck egg looks cool, does it taste differently?

    1. Benjamin says:

      Not really, until you feed them fish! Then they taste fishy! Fishy eggs are an aquired taste but altogether not that bad. I keep the water fresh and give them a diet of greens and pellet food.

      This keeps the eggs rich and tasty! I do buy them rosy red minnows and goldfish as a treat on occasion and it doesn’t affect the taste much.

      1. Petra says:

        Interesting! But I guess it makes sense, free range chicken eggs also taste so much different from the ones in the store

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